Transport and Public Works
- (a) How many tenders for the maintenance of (i) schools and (ii) hospitals have been advertised since October 2019, (b) how many of these contracts were awarded to companies outside the Western Cape, (c) how many of these tenders require management contractors and (d) what is the CIDB grading required for these management contractors;
- whether tender F044 (maintenance at schools) advertised in October 2019 was awarded; if not, (a) why not and (b) how were the school facilities maintained during the period 2019 to date; if so, what are the relevant details;
- whether the Department has identified a panel of contractors; if so, (a) how often is this panel updated and (b) how is the selection of contractors undertaken;
- how many contractors are listed on the Western Cape Government database per CIDB grading;
with reference to tender F006/02 that is currently being processed, (a) how was this tender advertised, (b) how many interested parties responded to the advertisement, (c) what is the CIDB grading required for this tender and (d) what is the role of the management contractor in tender F006/02?
- a)(i) No tenders specific to the maintenance of schools have been advertised since October 2019.
(a)(ii) One tender specific to the maintenance of hospitals was advertised.
Note in relation to 1(a)(i) and (ii): Since October 2019, four multi-year and multi-facility tenders have been advertised.
(1)(b) None of these contracts was awarded to companies outside the Western Cape.
(1)(c) None of these tenders requires management contractors.
(1)(d) The tender for the appointment of Management Contractors was a different contract (S105/18) and was advertised with a CIDB grading of 9BG and 9CE.
- It is assumed that reference is made to S044/19 and not F044/19, as stated in the question.
(2)(a) Tender S044/19 was cancelled on 22 September 2020, due to suspected tender irregularities by bidders.
(2)(b) The department had three scheduled maintenance contracts in place – S222/15, S223/15 and S001/16 which were used for the maintenance of schools.
- The Department has not identified a panel of contractors. Contractors who want to do business with the Western Cape Government, are required to register on the National Treasury’s Central Supplier Database, the Western Cape Supplier Database, as well as the CIDB’s Register of Contractors.
When the Department has identified the need for contractors for specific projects, the tender will be advertised as an open competitive bid, where all potential tenderers who meets the requirements can submit a bid. The selection of framework contractors is undertaken in the same way that normal bids are, i.e in terms of the highest point scoring as per the Preferential Procurement Regulations. The decision making on contractor appointments is informed by the outcomes of the risk assessment processes the department follows as per the procurement prescripts and as documented in the tender. Furthermore, the number of framework contractors is based on planned projects as well as budget availability of the department.
The number of contractors listed on the Western Cape Supplier Evidence Bank per CIDB grading is listed in the table below. Please note that suspended means that the supplier’s governance documents (such as their declaration of interest) has expired and the Western Cape Government are not allowed to do business with those suppliers until such time that the necessary documentation has been submitted and the suspension been lifted.
Class of Works and grading | Active | Suspended | TOTAL |
CE -Grade 1 | 858 | 2309 | 3167 |
CE -Grade 2 | 749 | 2248 | 2997 |
CE -Grade 3 | 742 | 2240 | 2982 |
CE -Grade 4 | 746 | 2242 | 2988 |
CE -Grade 5 | 738 | 2236 | 2974 |
CE -Grade 6 | 738 | 2238 | 2976 |
CE -Grade 7 | 731 | 2227 | 2958 |
CE -Grade 8 | 726 | 2220 | 2946 |
CE -Grade 9 | 724 | 2219 | 2943 |
EB -Grade 1 | 739 | 2239 | 2978 |
EB -Grade 2 | 711 | 2224 | 2935 |
EB -Grade 3 | 711 | 2222 | 2933 |
EB -Grade 4 | 710 | 2224 | 2934 |
EB -Grade 5 | 709 | 2222 | 2931 |
EB -Grade 6 | 709 | 2222 | 2931 |
EB -Grade 7 | 706 | 2218 | 2924 |
EB -Grade 8 | 705 | 2217 | 2922 |
EB -Grade 9 | 706 | 2217 | 2923 |
EP -Grade 1 | 748 | 2250 | 2998 |
EP -Grade 2 | 716 | 2229 | 2945 |
EP -Grade 3 | 711 | 2228 | 2939 |
EP -Grade 4 | 710 | 2228 | 2938 |
EP -Grade 5 | 709 | 2226 | 2935 |
EP -Grade 6 | 707 | 2228 | 2935 |
EP -Grade 7 | 709 | 2221 | 2930 |
EP -Grade 8 | 706 | 2218 | 2924 |
EP -Grade 9 | 705 | 2218 | 2923 |
GB -Grade 1 | 963 | 2398 | 3361 |
GB -Grade 2 | 783 | 2253 | 3036 |
GB -Grade 3 | 767 | 2248 | 3015 |
GB -Grade 4 | 766 | 2247 | 3013 |
GB -Grade 5 | 758 | 2242 | 3000 |
GB -Grade 6 | 747 | 2242 | 2989 |
GB -Grade 7 | 750 | 2231 | 2981 |
GB -Grade 8 | 742 | 2226 | 2968 |
GB -Grade 9 | 740 | 2222 | 2962 |
ME -Grade 1 | 754 | 2236 | 2990 |
ME -Grade 2 | 723 | 2224 | 2947 |
ME -Grade 3 | 719 | 2224 | 2943 |
ME -Grade 4 | 724 | 2222 | 2946 |
ME -Grade 5 | 720 | 2221 | 2941 |
ME -Grade 6 | 716 | 2225 | 2941 |
ME -Grade 7 | 715 | 2220 | 2935 |
ME -Grade 8 | 714 | 2218 | 2932 |
ME -Grade 9 | 712 | 2217 | 2929 |
SB -Grade 1 | 714 | 2223 | 2937 |
SB -Grade 2 | 706 | 2218 | 2924 |
SB -Grade 3 | 704 | 2218 | 2922 |
SB -Grade 4 | 704 | 2218 | 2922 |
SB -Grade 5 | 704 | 2217 | 2921 |
SB -Grade 6 | 704 | 2217 | 2921 |
SB -Grade 7 | 704 | 2217 | 2921 |
SB -Grade 8 | 703 | 2216 | 2919 |
SB -Grade 9 | 703 | 2216 | 2919 |
SC -Grade 1 | 713 | 2230 | 2943 |
SC -Grade 2 | 702 | 2220 | 2922 |
SC -Grade 3 | 703 | 2220 | 2923 |
SC -Grade 4 | 701 | 2219 | 2920 |
SC -Grade 5 | 701 | 2218 | 2919 |
SC -Grade 6 | 701 | 2218 | 2919 |
SC -Grade 7 | 701 | 2218 | 2919 |
SC -Grade 8 | 701 | 2217 | 2918 |
SC -Grade 9 | 701 | 2216 | 2917 |
SD -Grade 1 | 703 | 2216 | 2919 |
SD -Grade 2 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SD -Grade 3 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SD -Grade 4 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SD -Grade 5 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SD -Grade 6 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SD -Grade 7 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SD -Grade 8 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SD -Grade 9 | 700 | 2215 | 2915 |
SE -Grade 1 | 705 | 2221 | 2926 |
SE -Grade 2 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SE -Grade 3 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SE -Grade 4 | 701 | 2216 | 2917 |
SE -Grade 5 | 701 | 2216 | 2917 |
SE -Grade 6 | 701 | 2216 | 2917 |
SE -Grade 7 | 701 | 2216 | 2917 |
SE -Grade 8 | 701 | 2217 | 2918 |
SE -Grade 9 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SF -Grade 1 | 710 | 2223 | 2933 |
SF -Grade 2 | 702 | 2217 | 2919 |
SF -Grade 3 | 703 | 2218 | 2921 |
SF -Grade 4 | 701 | 2217 | 2918 |
SF -Grade 5 | 702 | 2217 | 2919 |
SF -Grade 6 | 702 | 2215 | 2917 |
SF -Grade 7 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SF -Grade 8 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SF -Grade 9 | 701 | 2215 | 2916 |
SG -Grade 1 | 719 | 2218 | 2937 |
SG -Grade 2 | 704 | 2216 | 2920 |
SG -Grade 3 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 4 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 5 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 6 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 7 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 8 | 702 | 2216 | 2918 |
SG -Grade 9 | 702 | 2218 | 2920 |
SH -Grade 1 | 522 | 1118 | 1640 |
SH -Grade 2 | 494 | 1100 | 1594 |
SH -Grade 3 | 493 | 1098 | 1591 |
SH -Grade 4 | 492 | 1098 | 1590 |
SH -Grade 5 | 489 | 1098 | 1587 |
SH -Grade 6 | 489 | 1096 | 1585 |
SH -Grade 7 | 489 | 1096 | 1585 |
SH -Grade 8 | 489 | 1095 | 1584 |
SH -Grade 9 | 488 | 1095 | 1583 |
SI -Grade 1 | 491 | 1094 | 1585 |
SI -Grade 2 | 486 | 1093 | 1579 |
SI -Grade 3 | 485 | 1093 | 1578 |
SI -Grade 4 | 485 | 1093 | 1578 |
SI -Grade 5 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SI -Grade 6 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SI -Grade 7 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SI -Grade 8 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SI -Grade 9 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SJ -Grade 1 | 493 | 1103 | 1596 |
SJ -Grade 2 | 485 | 1096 | 1581 |
SJ -Grade 3 | 485 | 1096 | 1581 |
SJ -Grade 4 | 485 | 1096 | 1581 |
SJ -Grade 5 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SJ -Grade 6 | 485 | 1095 | 1580 |
SJ -Grade 7 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SJ -Grade 8 | 485 | 1093 | 1578 |
SJ -Grade 9 | 485 | 1093 | 1578 |
SK -Grade 1 | 512 | 1112 | 1624 |
SK -Grade 2 | 492 | 1097 | 1589 |
SK -Grade 3 | 490 | 1097 | 1587 |
SK -Grade 4 | 490 | 1096 | 1586 |
SK -Grade 5 | 490 | 1095 | 1585 |
SK -Grade 6 | 490 | 1095 | 1585 |
SK -Grade 7 | 490 | 1095 | 1585 |
SK -Grade 8 | 491 | 1094 | 1585 |
SK -Grade 9 | 490 | 1094 | 1584 |
SL -Grade 1 | 506 | 1100 | 1606 |
SL -Grade 2 | 488 | 1097 | 1585 |
SL -Grade 3 | 485 | 1096 | 1581 |
SL -Grade 4 | 486 | 1095 | 1581 |
SL -Grade 5 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SL -Grade 6 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SL -Grade 7 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SL -Grade 8 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SL -Grade 9 | 485 | 1094 | 1579 |
SM -Grade 1 | 496 | 1102 | 1598 |
SM -Grade 2 | 487 | 1095 | 1582 |
SM -Grade 3 | 485 | 1095 | 1580 |
SM -Grade 4 | 484 | 1094 | 1578 |
SM -Grade 5 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SM -Grade 6 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SM -Grade 7 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SM -Grade 8 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SM -Grade 9 | 484 | 1093 | 1577 |
SN -Grade 1 | 504 | 1105 | 1609 |
SN -Grade 2 | 492 | 1095 | 1587 |
SN -Grade 3 | 490 | 1095 | 1585 |
SN -Grade 4 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SN -Grade 5 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SN -Grade 6 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SN -Grade 7 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SN -Grade 8 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SN -Grade 9 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SO -Grade 1 | 530 | 1111 | 1641 |
SO -Grade 2 | 497 | 1096 | 1593 |
SO -Grade 3 | 493 | 1094 | 1587 |
SO -Grade 4 | 490 | 1094 | 1584 |
SO -Grade 5 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SO -Grade 6 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SO -Grade 7 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SO -Grade 8 | 488 | 1093 | 1581 |
SO -Grade 9 | 489 | 1093 | 1582 |
SQ -Grade 1 | 530 | 1119 | 1649 |
SQ -Grade 2 | 494 | 1097 | 1591 |
SQ -Grade 3 | 489 | 1097 | 1586 |
SQ -Grade 4 | 490 | 1097 | 1587 |
SQ -Grade 5 | 488 | 1095 | 1583 |
SQ -Grade 6 | 487 | 1097 | 1584 |
SQ -Grade 7 | 487 | 1093 | 1580 |
SQ -Grade 8 | 487 | 1093 | 1580 |
SQ -Grade 9 | 487 | 1093 | 1580 |
Grand Total | 110737 | 309037 | 419774 |
CE - Civil Engineering
EB - Electrical Engineering Works – Building
EP - Electrical Engineering Works – Infrastructure
GB - General Building Works
ME - Mechanical Engineering Works
SB - SQ – Relates to specialist Works, as listed below:
SB - Asphalt Works
SC - Building Excavations, Shaft Sinking, Lateral Earth Support
SD - Corrosion protections (Cathodic, Anodic and electrolytic)
SE - Demolition and Blasting
SF - Fire protection and protection systems
SG - Glazing, Curtain Walls & Shop Front
SH - Landscaping, Irrigation and horticulture works
SI - Lifts, Escalators & Travellators (Installation & Maintenance
SJ - Pilling and Specialized foundations for building structures
SK - Road markings & signage
SL - Structural steel work fabrications and erection
SM - Timber buildings and structures
SN - Waterproofing of basements, roofs & specialized walls
SO - Water supply & drainage for building
SQ - Steel security or precast concrete
- (a) The tender was advertised on 2 October 2020 in the Government Tender Bulletin as prescribed by the PFMA, as well as the Construction Development Board(CIDB)’s I-Tender, as prescribed by the CIDB Act, with a closing date of 4 November 2020, as an open competitive bid.
(b) For the Cape Metropole & Overberg Region, 166 offers were received
For the Cape Winelands & West Coast Region, 148 offers were received.
For the Garden Route & Central Karoo Region, 112 offers were received.
(c) The tender was advertised with a CIDB grading of 3GB or higher.
(d) The Management Contractor plays no role whatsoever in tender F006/20.