Minister of Transport and Public Works:

Question by: 
Hon Ricardo Mackenzie
Answered by: 
Hon Daylin Mitchell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 

With regard to the current state of rural roads in the Western Cape:

How many (a) rural roads are in the province and (b) of these roads are under the jurisdiction or administration of (i) the national government, (ii) the provincial government and (iii) local municipalities (excluding natural servitude roads that have not been proclaimed);

whether his Department can provide a list of every rural road in the province (a) maintained over the previous MTEF period (2018, 2019 and 2020) and (b) what the budget for each was;

whether his Department can provide a list of every rural road in the province that (a) is budgeted for maintenance over the new MTEF period (2021, 2022 and 2023) and (b) what the budget for each is;

what is the breakdown of the calculated cost in full of maintaining every rural road (provincial and local) in the province?

Answer Body: 
  1. (a)   The proclaimed provincial road network consists of 7 281 km of paved roads and 24 936 km of unpaved roads.

(b)   (i),(ii) and (iii). The Western Cape Government, Department of Transport and Public Works is responsible for the proclaimed provincial road network. The rural roads managed by other road authorities within the Western Cape will need to be obtained from those relevant road authorities as the Department has no statistics in this regard.

  1. This information is not available in the requested format.

(a)   The Department maintains the provincial proclaimed road network over the MTEF periods in terms of the RAMP as outlined in the answer to question 11.

(b)   As required by Treasury, budgets were prepared per routine maintenance component and per capital project.

  1. This information is not available in the requested format as explained in (2) above.

(a)   The Department maintains the provincial proclaimed road network over the MTEF periods in terms of the RAMP as outlined in the answer to question 11.

(b)   The capital investment projects planned on the provincial road network for the new MTEF period is provided in the Vote 10 budget document and their respective budgets are shown. Routine road maintenance is a reactive maintenance approach and teams may work on different roads on different days. Budgets are allocated to maintenance resources, not individual roads.

  1. A breakdown of the calculated cost for maintaining every rural road in the province cannot be provided per road as noted above. Costs per capital project and per maintenance resource are available and are summarised in the financial statements of the Department.  The Department is not privy to information in relation to local municipalities.


Friday, November 5, 2021