Community Safety
With respect to the Plattekloof Forensic Science Laboratory’s commitments to improve the maintenance of its equipment:
(1) Whether the necessary maintenance plans are in place to meet this commitment; if so, how long would these contracts take;
(2) (a) what DNA processing equipment has been bought and (b) what is the total value thereof?
[1] The Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) has three maintenance contracts in place to meet the maintenance requirements, which are scheduled as follows:
- The contract for the Liquid Handler was awarded. It was signed, on 9 September 2021 and the contract is valid for three years.
- The contract for the Reference Index (RI) Lane System instruments (Genetic Analysers and 9700’s) was awarded. It was signed, on 24 November 2021 and the contract is valid for three years.
- The contract for the Crime Index (CI) Lane System instruments (Genetic Analysers, 9700’s, 7500’s and Automate express instruments) was awarded. It was signed, on 5 May 2021 and the contract is valid for three years.
The following requires annual servicing and is addressed on a quotation basis, since the cost implication is approximately R500 000,00.
- Pipettes
- Centrifuges
- Thermometers
- Thermoshakers
- Balance
- PCR hood
- Millipores
- Stop Watch
- Laminar Flow cabinets
- Mass pieces
[2] [a] The Western Cape FSL purchased two Genetic Analysers instruments for the CI lane System.
[2] [b] The value of the instruments, is R4 500 000,00. The expected delivery date for the equipment is in the next four to five weeks, after 20 April 2022.