- [a] What was the [i] criterion and [ii] rationale for the closing down of the Premier’s Social Transformation Programme and [b] what was her Department’s total legal costs when the case was contested by all officials who lost their jobs when the programme was closed, including [i] legal opinion/s, [ii] the legal costs for opposing the case by her Department and [iii] the legal costs if any, that the Western Cape Provincial Government had to pay applicants;
- whether an evaluation was done that recommended the closing down of this programme; if not, what was the [a] motive, [b] criterion and [c] rationale used to close down the programme; if so,
- whether a copy of the evaluation report is available; if not, why not; if so, [a] what are the relevant details and [b] when will a copy be made available;
[1][a][i] and [ii]
The reasons included the following:
- An evaluation of the cost versus the benefit to the participating communities indicated that value for money was not being realised. The bulk of the money was being spent on the salaries of STP co-ordinators as well as hotel, travel costs and catering [70% of the 2009/10 budget was spent on these items] while only 6% was spent on transfers to non-profit institutions [NPIs]; and
- A number of the intermediary structures had failed to meet their obligations in terms of the programme such as submitting their applications for NPO numbers and submitting memoranda of understanding.