Community Safety
What is the total number of (i) SAPS Act and (ii) PSA personnel at the (aa) Ocean View Police Station, (b) how many vacancies exist, (c) what is the (i) granted and (ii) actual number of police officers, (d) how many (i) VISPOL officers are on the staff establishment and (ii) of these members, how many have other duty arrangements and (e) how many (i) sectors are patrolled 24 hours a day and (ii) vans patrol each sector?
[a][i][aa] 72
[ii][aa] 18
[b] 4
[c][i] 75
[ii] 71
[d][i] 72
[ii] 1
[e][i] 2
[ii] 1 vehicle per sector and 1 vehicle CPU Van patrolling 2 Sectors