In respect of the 31 specialised high-performance vehicles that were handed over by the Minister to provincial traffic law enforcement officers in September 2023:
- (a) How many vehicles have not yet been handed over, (b) when are they expected to be handed over, (c) what has caused all the delays and (d) how will the remaining vehicles be distributed per municipality;
- whether the provincial government incurred any additional costs due to the delays in the preparation and handover of these vehicles; if so, what are the relevant details?
- (a) In respect of the 31 specialised vehicles referred to in the question, there are none that have not been handed over. All 31 vehicles have been handed over.
(b) N/A
(c) The vehicle procurement and conversion project was delayed due to a global shortage in the supply of microchips, which was directly affected by the lockdowns resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.
(d) N/A
No additional costs were incurred as a result of the delays.