Police Oversight and Community Safety
(1) (a) Which police stations in the province have recorded the highest number of cases of gender-based violence (GBV), (b) how many of these cases were thoroughly investigated and taken to court, (c) of the total number of cases, how many (i) made it to court, (ii) were struck from the roll and (iii) were successfully prosecuted;
(2) whether there are any GBV cases, which were reported at police stations in the province with ongoing investigations, that have not been finalised after three months; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3) how many cases of GBV involving sexual assault, assault with grievous bodily harm, rape and murder have occurred at Western Cape schools in the last five years?
(1) (a) The SAPS does not have the functionality on its corporate systems to monitor or record the requested information as gender-based violence itself is not a crime and is a broad term consisting of various possible crimes.
(b) Not Applicable
(c) (i) Not Applicable
(ii) Not Applicable
(iii) Not Applicable
(2) Not Applicable
(3) The SAPS does not have the functionality on its corporate systems to monitor or record cases specifically occurring at individual schools.