Social Development

Question by: 
Hon Ntombezanele Bakubaku-Vos
Answered by: 
Hon Sharna Fernandez
Question Number: 
Question Body: 
    1. What programmes are funded through the Western Cape Safety Plan to address sexual offences and (b) what is the detailed expenditure breakdown on these programmes in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021, (iii) 2022 and (iv) 2023 to date?
Answer Body: 
  1. The Victim Empowerment Programme of the Department of Social Development core focus is the provision of psychosocial support for victims of crime, including victims of gender-based violence (that includes sexual offences). The Programme partners with Non Profit organisations to render victim support services that include:

i) Provision of shelter services – emergency safe accommodation is provided for women and children who are victims of crime (including sexual offences). At the shelter emotional and practical assistance is provided, therapeutic support is rendered by a social worker and women can also access skills development programmes.

ii) Provision of psychosocial services – NPO’s as well as DSD provide services at critical entry points e.g. Thuthuzela Care Centres, courts, SAPS stations, where victims receive emotional and practical support, crisis trauma containment, court support and appropriate referral to long term psychosocial support services

  1. The budget breakdown for the period is below:


Type of service

2020/2021 Financial Year

2021/2022 Financial Year

2022/2023 Financial Year

2023/2024 Financial Year

Shelter service (including multipurpose organisations)

R 33 357 542

R 34 053 243

R 44 001 028

R 34 941 032

Social Service Organisations

R 26 4 90818

R 27 339 492

R 18 864 972

R 31 788 798


The reason for the shelter service increase in 2022/2023 was due to the set-up cost of the 6 new shelters.  It was a once off cost.


Friday, October 6, 2023