Register of Interests
According to the Code of Conduct (see PDF below) all Members need to declare personal or private financial or business interests that he/she, his/her family member or business partner may have in a matter before a Committee, proceedings of the Provincial Parliament or Parliamentary forum in which that Member participates.
Registrar of Members’ Interests
Section 3 of the Code of Conduct (2014) provides for the appointment of a Registrar of Members’ Interests.
Role of Registrar
- To ensure the implementation of the Code of Conduct
- To investigate alleged breaches of the Code by a Member, on receipt of a complaint from an MEC, a Member, or a member of the public
- To report in this regard to the Conduct Committee (Conduct Committee in turn must submit a report in this regard to the House. Notwithstanding an investigation by the Registrar, the Act provides that the Public Protector may also investigate a complaint from the public)
- To open and maintain a Register of Members’ Interests
- To provide advice to a Member in the event of a suspected breach of the Code
For purposes of the code, the Registrar must keep a register called the Register of Members’ Interests. Details of Members’ registrable interests must be recorded in this register. If there’s any doubt as to whether a particular financial interest must be disclosed, a Member must consult the Registrar. Disclosures must be made within 60 days after the first Sitting of a new parliamentary or appointment of a new Member. Thereafter, disclosures must be made on or before 30 April each year.
Access to the Register
Any person has access to the public part of the register.
Only the Conduct Committee, the Public Protector, the Registrar and his/her designated staff shall have access to the confidential part of the register.
No person who has access to the confidential part may disclose to anyone's particulars contained in that part of the register, except when a court orders it.