Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

With reference to the Western Cape Education Department’s reduction to the educator post establishment by 2 407 posts and the HOD’s circular (dated 15 January 2025) addressed to principals, educators and school-based staff at public schools in which he announced an “increase of up to 477 growth posts in the existing educator establishment for 2025”:
(1) (a) What was the educator post establishment (number of posts) for public schools at the commencement of the 2024/25 financial year, (b) what number of that post establishment was vacant throughout the 2024 school year or what was the actual total number of public school educators employed in the 2024 school year, (c) what was his Department’s budget for cost of employment for the educator post establishment for the 2024/25 financial year, (d) what was his Department’s actual expenditure on the cost of employment for public school educators on the educator post establishment from 1 April 2024 to 31 December 2024, (e) what is his Department’s projected total expenditure on the cost of employment for the educator post establishment for the 2024/25 financial year ending 31 March 2025, (f) what is the cost-of-employment “saving” (i) resulting from the reduction of 2 407 educator posts in the current financial year and (ii) in the two outer MTEF years, (g) what is the source of the funding for the 477 “growth posts” announced on 15 January 2025, (h) what are the details of any departmental savings or adjustments to fund these posts, if applicable, and (i) what is the cost of employment for these additional posts in the (i) current financial year and (ii) MTEF years;
(2) whether the funding was sourced from private donors; if so, what (a) are the details of the donors and (b) were their donations?

3 21 February 2025 18675

Hon Bryant.

With regard to the rising risk of water scarcity in the Western Cape due to climate change:

  1. (a) What is the total water storage capacity of the Province in cubic meters broken up by (i) storage type and (ii) location and (b) what were the storage levels per quarter for the past five years;
  2. Whether any climate risk assessments specific to water scarcity have been conducted by the Western Cape Government; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the projected water availability over the next 10 years, (b) what is the projected impact on (i) rainfall patterns, (ii) evaporation rates and (iii) river flows in the province and (c) which (i) municipalities and (ii) regions are most at risk in terms of water scarcity in the coming years;
  3. (a) what projects are currently underway to mitigate the risk of water scarcity, (b)        what are the costs of these projects and (c) how do these projects mitigate the risk either through (i) additional water capacity or (ii) water loss mitigation?
12 21 February 2025 18654

Hon Walters.

With regard to illegal firearms in the province:

(1) (a) How many firearms have been confiscated by the SAPS in the Western Cape in the last 12 months, (b) what is the (i) process and (ii) timelines for the destruction of these firearms and (c) how many of these firearms have been destroyed;

(2) (a) in the last 12 months, in how many instances were firearms that had been officially issued by SAPS (i) lost and (ii) stolen and (b) what are the relevant details of each incident;

(3) whether there have been any instances over the last 12 months in which (a) a previously confiscated firearm or (b) an SAPS-issued firearm was used to commit a crime; if so, what are the relevant details;

(4) whether any arrests have been made as the result of the theft of SAPS-issued firearms; if so, what are the relevant details;

(5) whether any SAPS personnel in the province have been implicated in the theft of firearms; if so, what are the relevant details?

13 21 February 2025 18653

Hon Walters.

(a) How many criminal cases were opened against serving members of the South African Police Service at Western Cape police stations in (i) 2022, (ii) 2023, (iii) 2024 and (iv) 2025 to date, (b)(i) what is the breakdown of these cases by alleged offence and (ii) how many of these cases resulted in convictions and (c)(i) what is the SAPS policy on active personnel’s continued performance of their regular duties after criminal charges having been brought against them and (ii) what measures are in place to prevent the interference and undue influence in these investigations by the accused?

15 21 February 2025 18652

Hon Ngqentsu.

In the light of the reported tension and infighting in the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (CATA):

  1. What interventions have been made in the past months to address the tension and infighting in CATA;
  2. whether he visited the scene and interacted with the affected minibus taxi owners; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. what specific interventions have been made since Sunday 9 February 2025 to address the aftermath of the incident and to ensure the safety of taxi owners and operators?
29 21 February 2025 18632

Hon Ngqentsu.

  1. Whether there are any existing safety measures capable of mitigating any possible outbreak of taxi infighting in the industry; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. whether any CCTV cameras have been installed at taxi ranks; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details for each taxi rank;
  3. whether there are CCTV cameras at the Nyanga taxi rank; if so;

(4)  whether the cameras captured taxis being torched on 9 February 2025; if not, (a) why not and (b) what steps will her Department take to address the issue of the cameras not being operational; if so, will her Department assist in the investigation by providing footage of the incident?

28 21 February 2025 18631

Hon Masipa.

(a)   What are the most recent commitments that have been made by Transnet to his Department regarding the improvement of port operational efficiency at the Port of Cape Town, (b) what measures or metrics does his Department use to monitor the progress of project implementation of the port, (c) what is the frequency of reporting and (d) what actions are being taken when the port fails to deliver on its commitments?

26 21 February 2025 18630

Hon Bryant.

  1. (a) How much municipal waste was collected over the past five years in the province and

(b) How much of this waste was processed in

(i) landfills,

(ii) incinerators,

(iii) recycling and

(iv) municipal composting;

25 21 February 2025 18629
  1. (a) What is the Cape Fund Initiative, (b) how does it aim to support the residents of the province, (c) what are its the long-term goals, (d) how does it aim to improve the quality of life of residents and (e) what additional partnerships are in place;
  2. what is being done to ensure the initiative’s success, particularly with regard to NGOs and other local government departments?
24 21 February 2025 18628

With regard to Sassa payments, which are administered by the national Department of Social Services:

  1. (a) Whether his Department can indicate how many grant beneficiaries in the province rely on Sassa grants, (b) how many collection points are there in the province, (c) what effect does (i) post office closures and (ii) Postbank glitches have on grant beneficiaries, (d) what assistance is his Department giving to beneficiaries to relieve the pressures brought about by delayed grant payments and (e) how many Sassa beneficiaries with disabilities are in the province;
  2. whether his Department has engaged with Sassa to ensure that measures are in place to reach rural communities in order to assist people with the transition to Postbank black card; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
23 21 February 2025 18627

