Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link
  1. (a) What are the reasons for the non-payment of November and December 2023 overtime for staff at the Horizon Youth Centre, (b) how many staff members are affected by this and (c) when will this payment be made;
  2. whether there are any other units of her Department that are affected by non-payment of overtime for staff members in the 2023/24 financial year; if so, (a) what are the details of the units and/or entities, (b) what is the number of staff members affected and (c) what is the amount owed to staff?
4 3 May 2024 17309
  1. What (i) is the number and (ii) are the details of the service providers contracted by the Western Cape Sport Academy (WECSA) and (b)(i) what are details of the work they do and (ii) how much are they being paid?
3 3 May 2024 17308

(a)  What is the total number of personnel employed by the Western Cape Sport Academy (WECSA), (b) what (i) are their names, (ii) are their qualifications, (iii) is their experience, (iv) is their salary scale and (v) is the nature of their contracts, (c)(i) what is the number of staff members who are on one-year contracts and (ii)(aa) for how long have they been appointed on a year-to-year contract basis and (bb) what are the reasons for this and (d)(i) what is the number of contract staff members whose contracts have been terminated and/or not renewed this year, (ii) what are the reasons for this, (iii) what are the qualifications of these staff members and (iv) what will happen to the positions they occupied and their respective duties that they were responsible for?

2 3 May 2024 17307

With regard to the Western Cape Sport Academy (WECSA):

  1. (a) What was the total budget for the Academy in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022, (v) 2023 and (vi) 2024 and (b) how much was given to the Academy each year;
  2. (a) what are the details of the management positions at the WECSA and (b)(i) when were the posts advertised, (ii) what are the details of all the individuals who (aa) applied and (bb) were shortlisted for each of these positions, (iii) what were the scoring received by the shortlisted candidates and (iv) when did the successful incumbents commence duty?
1 3 May 2024 17306
  1. Mr LL Mvimbi to ask Ms M M Wenger, Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities:

What is the total amount of (a) irregular expenditure and (b) wasteful and fruitless expenditure that have been incurred by each of the provincial government department and entity in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022, (v) 2023 and (vi) 2024 to date?

3 19 April 2024 17244

Question by Hon S A Little

With regard to his statement that LEAP is making inroads with LEAP officers making 27 000 arrests that will reduce the murder rate in the Western Cape by 50% by 2029:

  1. What are the factual details that informs this statement, (b)(i) what are the details per police station where these arrests have been made, (ii) what were the crimes committed in each case and (iii) how many cases were successfully prosecuted and sentenced?
2 19 April 2024 17243

Question by Hin S A Little

With reference to Circular 0034:

(1)       What factors were taken into consideration when deciding the course of action contained in this circular;

(2)       whether the impact of the decisions is in line with the pro-poor budget;

(3)       what is his Department’s motivation for suggesting affected schools reintroduce the Teacher Recruitment Education and Preparation (TREP) Programme;

(4)       who runs and oversees the Back on Track Programme?


1 19 April 2024 17242

With regard to the allocations of funds from the Department of Social Development in the last five years:

  1. (a) Which NGOs and CBOs received allocations during the (i) 2019/20, (ii) 2020/21, (iii) 2021/22, (iv) 2022/23 and (v) 2023/24 financial years and (b) how much did each receive;
  2. (a) for the same period as in (1) above, what are the details of all the NGOs and CBOs that applied for but did not receive allocations and (b) what are the reasons why these applicants were not successful?
5 22 March 2024 17099
  1. What is the information on all provincially owned properties and buildings that were sold or leased out since the beginning of 2009 and (b)(i) what was the income derived from these sales and (ii) what was the income derived from these leases and (iii) what were the duration of these leases? 
4 22 March 2024 17098
  1. (a) What was the outcome of the court case between him, the Theewaterskloof Municipality, the Municipal Manager and a certain person whose name has been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply and (b) what did the respondents agree to in the settlement;
  2. whether the Theewaterskloof Council was made aware of the settlement; if so, can a full copy of the settlement agreement be made available?
3 22 March 2024 17095

