Sitting of the House
Questions to the Premier, Interpellations, Questions, Statements & Motions
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Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
Standing Committee on Education
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Standing Committee on Health
1. Unannounced visit to the health facilities in the Metro
2. Resolutions/ Action
Standing Committee on Local Government
- Briefing by the Department on the status of induction and training of new Councillors at municipalities and the roles and responsibilities of MAYCO Members and portfolio Chairpersons
- Introduction of the new Chairperson of SALGA and a briefing on the Induction Programme for new Councillors
- Monitoring of Local Government by Provincial Standing Committees.
- Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:
Standing Committee on Social Development
1. Oversight visit to the Kindersorg Children’s Organisation in Stellenbosch
2. Resolutions/Actions
Standing Committee on Social Development
1. Briefing by the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) Western Cape Regional Office on the:
Standing Committee on Transport and Public Works
Public hearing on the Western Cape Provincial Transport Infrastructure Bill.
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Standing Committee on Transport and Public Works
Visit to the Gene Louw Traffic College and briefing on the operations of the College and the use of technology to do traffic law enforcement.