Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

It is the mandate of the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities andTourism to maintain oversight of the relevant Provincial Executive Authority and Public Entities (where applicable), including the implementation of legislation and to hold them accountable to the Western Cape Provincial Parliament; and to consider and report on legislation referred to it by the Speaker.

The Departments and entities that fall under the Standing Committee on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism are as follows:

  1. Department of Economic Development and Tourism: The Entities are Wesgro and Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone Licencing Company
  2. Provincial Treasury: The Entity is Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board
  Hon Cayla Murray
 Hon Isaac Sileku
Hon Nomi Nkondlo
Hon Andricus van der Westhuizen (DA) 
  Hon Galil Brinkhuis
  Alternate Members  
 Hon Derrick America
Hon Matlhodi Maseko
 Hon Lulama Mvimbi
Hon Ayanda Bans



