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Sitting of the House
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Sitting of the House
Tabling of PERO
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Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Background to the food garden project of the Department of Agriculture and Casidra, best practices for proprietorship of gardens, number of gardens supported, extent of support and funding granted, lessons learnt, sustainability of the various projects, contribution to healthy lifestyles and food security, recovery of assets, process where gardens come to an end and related issues
Standing Committee on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (Environmental Affairs)
CapeNature: Sour Fig Harvesting Project and Klipgat Cave
15:30 – Arrival and Welcome (De Kelders office)
15:35 – Sour fig project presentation - To engage with CapeNature and community members on the project background and operation, challenges experienced, successes achieved, community and youth involvement and community benefits
16:00 Group 1: Sour fig project Q&A and video on cave and discussion
16:00 Group 2: Depart for Klipgat cave (weather dependant)
Standing Committee on Health
- Briefing by the Department of Health on its Mental Health Programmes
- Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the programmes in place to address the social determinants that apply pressure to the health system, specifically, in Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain District Hospitals.
- Consideration and adoption of the following Committee documents:
Standing Committee on Local Government
Cape Agulhas Safehouse - Part of the greater strategic ‘Network of Safehouses’ which is a catalytic initiative of the Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) in the Overberg District
Standing Committee on Social Development
1) Briefing by the Department of Social Development on the funding of Old Age Homes in the province with a specific focus on rural areas.
2) Briefing by the institute for Contemporary Research Africa (ICRA) on the role of ICRA in assisting the old age homes that are struggling to operate.
3) Briefing by the provincial SASSA on the plans in place to deal with loan sharks that are keeping SASSA beneficiary cards, and to give a status update on Social relief grant.
Standing Committee on Social Development
- Briefing by the NCOP Permanent Delegate and the national Department of Social Development on the Children’s Amendment Bill [B18B-2020] (NCOP) s76 Bill
- Discussion on the Committee programme for the consideration of the Children’s Amendment Bill [B18B-2020] (NCOP)
- Resolutions/Actions
Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice
Standing Committee on the Premier and Constitutional Matters
- Welcome and attendance
- Briefing by the Department of the Premier on the Annual Performance Plan and the status on the performance to date
- Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Meeting Minutes of 24 August 2022
- Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Quarterly report (April – June 2022)
- Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Oversight Report of 27 July 2022
- Resolutions/Actions
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