SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:
2.1 Minutes of 9 September 2022, 20 and 21 October 2022
2.2 Report on the Annual Report discussion of the Department of Agriculture and Casidra for the 2021/22 financial year
2.3 Report on the Annual Report discussion of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and CapeNature for the 2021/22 financial year
SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Deliberation on Vote 11: Agriculture, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022
3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on Vote 11: Agriculture, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022
4. General
5. Resolutions/Actions
View live here:
SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism
- Welcome and attendance
- Deliberations on the 2021/22 Annual Reports of Vote 3: Provincial Treasury and its Entity, the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board
- Resolutions/Actions
SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism
1. Welcome 2. Deliberation on Vote 12: Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022 3. Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Report on Vote 12: Department of Economic Development and Tourism in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022 4. Resolutions/Actions
View live here:
SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism
1. Welcome 2. Deliberation on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022 3. Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Report on Vote 3: Provincial Treasury in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, 2022 4. Resolutions/Actions
View live here:
SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism
1. Welcome
2. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on the 2021/22 Annual Reports of Vote 12: Department of Economic Development and Tourism and its Entities; Wesgro, Freeport Saldanha IDZ and Atlantis SEZ
3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on the 2021/22 Annual Reports of Vote 3: Provincial Treasury and its Entity; the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board
4. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on the Oversight Visit to the Cape Town Film Studio