Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

Question by Hon Masipa.

Regarding the deciduous fruits estimates for this harvest season:

  1. What are the final expected (a) harvest and (b) export volumes for this year;
  2. whether the Port of Cape Town is ready to handle these volumes; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what measures are in place for exporters to remedy problems if they arise?
8 29 November 2024 18468

Regarding learner transport services for learners in the Ceres and Tulbagh communities:
(1) (a) Why were learner transport services that were provided to learners in the Vredebes, Tulbagh and Ceres areas, despite the 5 km radius rule, suddenly with-drawn with effect from 1 September 2024, (b) why were the routes in (i) Ceres and (ii) Tulbagh specifically withdrawn and (c) what is being done to ensure the 378 affected children have safe and reliable means of transport to get to school;
(2) with reference to the plan to withdraw learner transport to learners at the Lingcinga Zethu Secondary School and transfer those learners to the Tulbagh High School, and the plan to move Grade 7 learners from the Lingomso Pimary School (Xhosa-medium school) to the Tulbagh High School (Afrikaans-medium school), (a) why is the learner transport being withdrawn and (b) when these learners are transferred to the Tulbagh High School, what will the medium of instruction be for these learners;
(3) whether the Tulbagh High School is currently dual or parallel medium; if not,
(4) whether there are plans for the school to become parallel or dual medium; if not, will these learners, who are primarily Xhosa-speaking children, be expected to learn Afrikaans;
(5) whether classes in Xhosa will be made available to the Xhosa-speaking children; if not, why not;
(6) whether the school is resourced for English as mother-tongue language of learning and teaching; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

6 29 November 2024 18467

With regard to the proposed redevelopment of the Somerset Hospital precinct, which includes the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home:

  1. (a) What are the current plans for the redevelopment of the precinct, (b) at what stage in the planned redevelopment is the process and (c) what are the plans for the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home building, which is currently occupied;
  2. whether his Department plans to evict those people who are occupying the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home building; if so, (a) what steps have been taken to bring an application for an eviction order, (b) what are his Department’s plans for providing alternative housing in the event of a successful application for an eviction order, (c) what are the proposed relocation sites, (d) in what structures will the occupiers who are evicted be housed and (e) when does his Department plan to commence with the eviction process;
  3. whether there are plans for the inclusion of both affordable (gap rental or sectional title) and social housing in the precinct’s redevelopment; if so, will those people who are occupying of the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home be included in the social housing or affordable housing project;
  4. whether he had any engagements or consultations with those people who are occupying the Helen Bowden Nurses’ Home; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
5 29 November 2024 18466

With regard to municipal officials suspended with full pay in 2024:

  1. (a) How many officials are on suspension and (b) what are the periods of suspension for each.

whether there are suspensions that have stood over from 2023; if so, what are the relevant details

4 28 January 2025 18465

Question by Hon Jacobs.

Whether she and her Department have a plan to deal with illegal gambling establishments;
if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

3 29 November 2024 18464

With regard to the Junior Traffic Training Centre launched at the Oasis School:

Whether this initiative will be extended to other special needs schools; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

2 29 November 2024 18463

Whether his Department has a plan in place to decrease road fatalities during the 2024/25 festive season; if so, what are the relevant details?

1 29 November 2024 18462

(1) As at the closing date of 12 April 2024, (a) how many applications for (i) Grade 1 and (ii) Grade 8 placements have been received and (b) what is the breakdown of these figures by (i) school, (ii) grade and (iii) municipality;
(2) (a) what updates can be provided regarding the current status of learner placements for Grade 1 and Grade 8 in accordance with his Department’s admission timeline and (b) how many learners have already been successfully placed at schools;
(3) given the recurring issues with learner placements and learners missing the first weeks of school, what specific strategies are being implemented this year to ensure a more efficient placement process and to prevent such disruptions;
(4) (a) how is his Department addressing potential shortfall in available school spaces to accommodate the number of applicants for Grade 1 and Grade 8 and (b) what contingency plans are in place for schools that may exceed their capacity;
(5) what (a) measures are being taken to ensure that the second admissions window for Grade R and transfers between grades 2 to 7 and grades 9 to 12 are effectively managed to prevent similar placement delays or issues and (b) is the detailed breakdown of applications received for these grades to date?

19 23 August 2024 18461

(a) How many schools in the province have (i) stopped offering Afrikaans and (ii) reduced Afrikaans classes to (aa) Grade R and (bb) Grade 1 learners between 2014 and 2024, (b)(i) what are the names of the schools where Afrikaans is not being offered to Grade R and Grade 1 learners and (ii) what were the reasons provided by these schools and (c) what are the details of the Language Policy of his Department as it relates to mother-tongue education?

3 23 August 2024 18460

Whether her Department plans to freeze or reduce any staff posts due to the financial implications of the cost-of-living wage agreement; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what (i) is the detailed breakdown of the specific positions affected, (ii) is the rationale behind these decisions, (iii) are the names of facilities to be affected, (iv) is the number of staff to be reduced and (v) is the anticipated impact on service delivery?

11 15 November 2024 18459

