Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link

In respect of the ongoing water crisis in the Matzikama Municipality:

  1. (a) What is the current population living in the municipal area and (b) how many people is the water distribution network designed to cater for;
  1. whether the newly installed pumps are operating at full capacity; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. whether reports that the lower parts of Vredendal and Vanrhynsdorp, predominantly white areas, have not experienced water shortages, while predominantly black areas face severe water shortages have been bought to his attention; if so, (a) what are the reason for this apparent disparity in water distribution and (b) what actions have been taken to rectify it and to ensure equitable access to water for all residents;
  1. in the light of the current water crisis and the need for a temporary pipeline, whether he and his Department have plans to order the Lower Olifants River Water User Association (Lorwua) to postpone its maintenance work until the extra pipeline has been installed to avoid prolonged water shortages in the Municipality; if not, why not; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what alternatives should the Municipality explore to prevent such a situation in the future;
  1. whether his Department has plans to hold the Municipality to account for its handling of the water crisis and its commitment to ensuring equitable access to water for all residents; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?


6 8 September 2023 15289

In respect of the ongoing water crisis in the Matzikama Municipality:

(i) When last was the water distribution network upgraded and (ii) what impact does this have on the equitable distribution of water to the different areas in the Municipality, (b) what specific (i) plans and (ii) budgets were in place for infrastructure maintenance and upgrades in the past five years, (c) what is the detailed expenditure breakdown for these and (d)(i) what are the reasons for the delays in implementing water restrictions and (ii) what measures are now being taken to build up the water supply for affected communities?

5 8 September 2023 15288

(a)   How many Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) officers have been assigned to (i) Manenberg and (ii) Wesbank since the beginning of 2023, (b) what is the total number of crime scenes that they have intervened in and brought to the attention of members of the South African Police Service and (c) how many police dockets were opened as a result?

5 22 September 2023 15270

In respect of his Department’s performance measured against the performance targets set between 2019 and 2023:

(a)   What is his Department’s core mandates, (b) what are the annual targets attached to each core mandate, (c) how has his Department performed against its performance targets in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (d) what is the detailed breakdown of each performance target per programme, (e) what are the challenges that his Department faced in achieving its targets and (f) what are the plans that his Department has put in place to improve its performance?

10 22 September 2023 15269

(1)   (a) What is the annual count of the highly skilled foreign professionals employed by the provincial government in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (b) what are (i) their qualifications, (ii) the positions they occupy and (iii) the departments and/or entities they work for;


13 22 September 2023 15268

In relation to the fiscal crisis currently experienced by the national government:

  1. What is the expected effect of a national government’s budget shortfall on the province;
  2. whether the National Treasury has engaged with the Western Cape provincial government on (a) potential effects and (b) mitigation; if so, what are the relevant details?
1 22 September 2023 15267

In respect of her department’s performance measured against the performance targets set between 2019 and 2023:

  1. What is her Department’s core mandates, (b) what are the annual targets attached to each core mandate, (c) how has her Department performed against its performance targets in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (d) what is the detailed breakdown of each performance target per programme, (e) what are the challenges that her Department faced in achieving its targets and (f) what are the plans that her Department has put in place to improve its performance?
12 22 September 2023 15266

In respect of her Department’s performance measured against the performance targets set between 2019 and 2023:

(a)  What is her Department’s core mandates, (b) what are the annual targets attached to each core mandate, (c) how has her Department performed against its performance targets in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (d) what is the detailed breakdown of each performance target per programme, (e) what are the challenges that her Department faced in achieving its targets and (f) what are the plans that her Department has put in place to improve its performance?

11 22 September 2023 15265

In respect of her Department’s performance measured against the performance targets set between 2019 and 2023:

(a)  What is her Department’s core mandates, (b) what are the annual targets attached to each core mandate, (c) how has her Department performed against its performance targets in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (d) what is the detailed breakdown of each performance target per programme, (e) what are the challenges that her Department faced in achieving its targets and (f) what are the plans that her Department has put in place to improve its performance?

9 22 September 2023 15264

What (a) is the number and (b) are the details of the no-fee schools per district in the province?

8 22 September 2023 15263

