
Below are all the news items published on our website.

Venue for House sittings

Please be advised that, as a result of the temporary closure of the WCPP’s Chamber on the 6th Floor of the Legislature Building, 7 Wale Street, due to urgent remedial work, sittings of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament will be held in the chamber on the 11th Floor, 44 Wale Street.

SASSA to brief Standing Committee

The Standing Committee on Community Development will be briefed by the South African Social Services Agency (SASSA) on the unlawful and fraudulent deductions from SASSA beneficiaries’ accounts, and the measures the department has put in place to assist and reimburse affected beneficiaries.

Details of the meeting:

Date:    31 May 2016

Time:    08:30 - 13:00

Venue:  Chamber, 6th Floor, Western Cape Provincial Parliament, 7 Wale Street, Cape Town

Chairperson to address Kannaland communities

The Chairperson of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament’s Standing Committee on Local Government, Hon Masizole Mnqasela, has been invited to address communities within the Kannaland Municipality on challenges with regard to access to, and affordability of municipal services, including electricity and water. The meeting is scheduled to take place at 18:00 on Thursday, 19 May in the Ladismith Town Hall, 34 Van Riebeeck Street, Ladismith.

Assistance to farmers affected by drought and fires to be discussed

South Africa is facing one the worst droughts in history. Food security is at risk as well as the livelihood of farmers and their workers. The Western Cape Department of Agriculture will brief the Standing Committee on Economic Opportunities, Tourism and Agriculture, on the assistance provided to farmers affected by the drought and recent fires.


There will be opportunities for interviews and photographs.


Meeting details:

Time: 08:30 – 10:30

Date: 18 May 2016

Standing Committee to be briefed on disaster management preparedness and capacity

The Standing Committee on Local Government will be briefed by the Western Cape Department of Local Government on 17 May in respect of the winter preparedness plan for the province, the minimum disaster management and fire services resources recommended for municipalities, as well as the current capacity at municipalities across the province.


The briefing will commence as follows:


Date: Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Time: 14:00 – 16:00

