
Hansard is the official report of proceedings in the House. Hansard contains full transcriptions of all speeches, questions, answers, statements, etc. Although regarded as a verbatim report, repetitions and redundancies are omitted and obvious mistakes are corrected.

To download a full volume of Hansard (covering a specific number of Sittings), click here to access the Publications page.

If you would like to access the Hansard for a specific date, please make use of the search functionality below by selecting the month and year.

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Title Date
PDF icon Sitting 2013-03-25
PDF icon Sitting 2013-03-22
PDF icon Sitting 2013-03-20
PDF icon Sitting 2013-03-07
PDF icon Sitting 2013-02-28
PDF icon Final Hansard 26 Feb 2013 Debate on SOPA.pdf 2013-02-26
PDF icon Final Hansard 22 Feb 2013 State of the Province Address.pdf 2013-02-22

