Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

In respect of the performance measured against the performance targets set between 2019 and 2023 of his former Department of Human Settlements:


(a)   What is the Department’s core mandates, (b) what are the annual targets attached to each core mandate, (c) how has the Department performed against its performance targets in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (e) what is the detailed breakdown of each performance target per programme, (f) what are the challenges that the Department faced in achieving its targets, (g) what are the plans that the Department has put in place to improve its performance, (h) what (i) is the number of housing opportunities and (ii) are the detailed breakdown of top structures that have been delivered per subsidy in the same period as in (c) above?

3 25 August 2023 15106

What (a) is the number and (b) are the details of the road crashes involving minibus taxis that took place in each municipal district since the beginning of the year?

2 25 August 2023 15105

(a)   What (i) is the number and (ii) are the details of the taxi routes that are operational in the municipalities in the province and (iii) are the details of the associations that are operating these routes, (b) what is the number of taxi operating permits and/or operating licences that have been issued to the taxi industry and are legal for routes in the province in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (c) what is the backlog of taxi operating permits per route in the province and (d)(i) what is the number of taxi operating permits that have been revoked per route in the province in for the same period as in (b) above and (ii) what are the reasons for such action?

1 25 August 2023 15104

(1)  (a) What is the number of (i) minibus taxis, (ii) buses and (iii) private motor vehicles that have been impounded in each municipality in the province in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date and (b)(i) what were the specific reasons for each impoundment and (ii) what is the average cost of impoundment for these vehicles;

(2)  what is the number of (a) minibus taxis that have been released from impoundment in each of the municipalities in the province in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date and (b) how much was generated by each municipality from the impounding of these vehicles;

(3)  (a) what is the impact of impoundment on the minibus taxi industry and (b)(i) what role did his Department play in intervening in the recent taxi unrest in the province

and (ii) what are the details of the (aa) meetings held and (bb) outcomes of such meetings?

3 11 August 2023 15052
  1. How many patients have been affected by the taxi strike organised by Santaco, (b) what are the details of these disruptions and (c) how many ambulances have been prevented from responding to patients’ emergencies due to strike-related protest action?
13 30 August 2023 15048

Whether any infrastructure has been damaged during the recent taxi strike; if so, what is the preliminary cost estimate to repair the damage caused to infrastructure in the province?

10 11 August 2023 15047

With regard to electricity-generation infrastructure projects:

(a)        What is the amount of revenue generated by each municipality from its own electricity generation, (b) what is the detailed information on the electricity projects in each municipality, (c) what is the current amount of electricity generated by these projects and (d) with regard to dependency, what percentage of electricity in each municipality is independently generated?

9 11 August 2023 15046

With regard to the Kliphoek Campsite in the Cederberg Nature Reserve:

  1. What is the date of the fire that damaged the water supply infrastructure, (b) what is the extent of the damage caused by the fire, (c) why can this damage not be fixed by CapeNature’s internal staff, (d) when was a call for contractors to repair the damage sent out, (e) when is the expected date for (i) repairs to be completed and (ii) the reopening of the campsite and (f) what was the income generated by this campsite in the last financial year during the period corresponding with the period of closure?
8 11 August 2023 15033

With regard to the Port of Cape Town’s performance in July 2023:

(a)   What was the (i) average waiting time for berth utilisation and occupancy for container ships and (ii) target for the month, (b) what was the (i) average number of twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded and (ii) target for the month, (c) what was the (i) average waiting time for trucks being

(aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded at the port and (ii) target for the month, (d) what was the (i) average ship turnaround time and (ii) target for the month, (e) what was the (i) average

anchorage waiting time and (ii) target for the month and (f) what was the (i) average container dwell time and (ii) target for the month?

7 11 August 2023 15032

In respect of the ongoing taxi violence in parts of the Western Cape, especially in the City of the Cape Town:

  1. What is the impact of the unrest on the economy, (b) how many people have been unable to work due to the unrest, (c) how much revenue has been lost by businesses due to the unrest and (d) how has the unrest affected the tourism industry?
6 11 August 2023 15031

