Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link

In respect of the recently launched Western Cape Growth for Jobs Strategy 2035:

  1. (a) How will this strategy be (i) implemented, (ii) funded and (iii) evaluated, (b) what are the details of the specific timelines and milestones for implementation and (c) how will the government measure its success in achieving the goals of the strategy;
  1. (a) how will the strategy transform the structure of the Western Cape economy and lead to shared economic growth that addresses past injustices, (b) what are the specific goals for changing the structure of the economy and (c) how will it address the issue of racial inequality in the province;
  1. (a) how will the strategy address the spatial inequality in the province, which is characterised by a concentration of poverty and unemployment in the poor working-class communities where the black (coloured, black and Indian) majority resides and (b) how will this strategy support the (i) informal economy and (ii) township economy and (c) what specific interventions are planned to help these sectors grow and create jobs?
10 28 July 2023 15015

In respect of his visit to the United States to discuss the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), as well as his recent participation in a session of virtual hearings of US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee:

Whether his  visit to the United States and participation in the virtual session of the US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee were sanctioned by the national government or done with its approval, if not;


(a) what are the details of all the (i) meetings he held and (ii) persons and (iii) sub-committees he met and (b) what was discussed at each meeting?

whether he can provide (a) a detailed list of (i) Cabinet members and (ii) government officials who formed part of his delegation and (b) information about their respective roles in the visit per person;

what is the detailed cost breakdown for his participation in the virtual session of the US Agoa Implementation Subcommittee;

what is the detailed cost breakdown for his visit to the US, including (a) travel, (b) accommodation and (c) any other expenses;

whether this was in contravention of the constitutional principles of intergovern-mental relations; if not, which legislation allowed him to conduct discussions on international trade relations between governments; if so, what are the relevant details;

9 28 July 2023 15014

For each of the CapeNature reserves that were negatively affected by flood damage:What was the estimated loss of income since the June 2023 flooding at the latest date for which information is available, (b) what are the (i) details and (ii) latest estimates of the costs to repair the flood damage and (c) which of the costs or losses incurred are covered by short-term insurance policies?

8 28 July 2023 15013

With regard to the current SAPS budget of R102,6 billion:

What budget allocation has the SAPS made for the provision of new (a) detectives, (b) crime scene technicians, (c) forensic analysts and (d) patrol vehicles for the Western Cape?

7 28 July 2023 15012

With reference to the briefing delivered by the SAPS to the National Assembly’s Portfolio Committee on Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment on 7 March 2023 by Major General AB Maqashalala, entitled “Organised land invasion at Knoflokskraal, Grabouw, Western Cape”:

  1. What update can he provide on enquiry 1/09/2022 (as referred to on slide 7 of the presentation that accompanied the briefing referenced above);
  1. whether any of the persons involved has been arrested; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. why did the SAPS claim not to have record of the referenced case number when it is clearly referred to in the aforementioned presentation?
6 28 July 2023 15011

(a)   How many (i) national housing projects are currently underway in the province and (ii) housing opportunities will these projects provide, (b) of these projects, how many have been (i) put on hold, (ii) delayed and (iii) discontinued and (c) what are the details of these projects?

5 28 July 2023 15010

(a)   How many sport facilities have been (i) vandalised and (ii) robbed in the past five years and (b) what are the costs incurred due to vandalism and robberies in the past five years?

4 28 July 2023 15009
  1. How much has the (a) Executive Mayor, (b) Deputy Mayor and (c) City Manager of the (i) Kannaland Municipality, (ii) Beaufort West Municipality and (iii) Laingsburg Municipality received in (aa) salary payments, (bb) motor vehicle allowances and (cc) overtime allowance in the past three financial years;
  1. whether there are currently discussions to raise or lower their salary packages; if so, what are the relevant details?
3 28 July 2023 15008

With regard to the Port of Cape Town’s performance in June 2023:

(a)   What was the (i) average waiting time for berth utilisation and occupancy for container ships and (ii) target for the month, (b) what was the (i) average number of twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) containers (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded and (iii) target for the month, (c) what was the (i) average waiting time for trucks being (aa) loaded and (bb) unloaded at the Port and (ii) target for the month, (d) what was the (i) average ship turnaround time and (ii) target for the month, (e) what was the (i) average anchorage waiting time and (ii) target for the month and (f) what was the (i) average container dwell time and (ii) target for the month?

2 28 July 2023 15007

(a)   What projects are his Department and the City of Cape Town currently working on and (b) what is the allocated budget for these projects?


1 28 July 2023 15006

