Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

With regard to admission timelines for the 2024 academic year:

  1. What is the detailed breakdown of the number of learners per (a) grade, (b) race, (c) age and (d) gender who have been (i) successfully placed at schools and (ii) not placed at schools for the 2024 academic year;
  1. whether there are any learners who are not yet placed at schools for the 2024 academic year; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what are the reasons for this?
9 14 July 2023 15003

In respect of families in the Khayelitsha informal settlement that are living on top of sinkholes:

Whether his Department has been made aware of this challenge; if so, (a) when was it made aware, (b) what is the number of families affected and (c) what intervention measures have been put in place to assist the families?

8 14 July 2023 15002

(a)   (i) What position does a certain person, whose name has been furnished to her Department for the purpose of the reply, hold in her Department and (ii) who is this person’s direct supervisor, (b) what are the details of the official trips this person has gone on in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (c) what is the detailed breakdown of the (i) cities and (ii) countries visited, (d) who formed part of the provincial government’s delegation on each trip, including staff members from other departments, and (e)(i) what was this persons role in each visit and (ii) for what reasons was this person part of the delegations?

7 14 July 2023 15001

In respect of the education challenges at the Buisplaas community:

What is the (i) total number of learners from the community who are enrolled at schools that are more than 6 km away from their homes, (ii) detailed breakdown per (aa) grade, (bb) age, (cc) gender and (dd) race, (iii) number of learners from the community to whom (aa) are provided learner transport and (bb) are not provided learner transport and (iv) number of learners who are (aa) housed at the Department’s hostels and (bb) not housed there, (b) what are the details of the (i) communication and (ii) meetings that his Department has held with the community, (c) what was discussed and resolved at each meetings, (d) what are the reasons why his Department declined the request from the community for his Department to provide learner transport or hostel accommodation for the learners and (e) what are his Department’s plans to address the challenges experienced by this community?

6 14 July 2023 15000
  1. What (i) is the number and (ii) are the details of the road deaths that took place per month since the beginning of the year, (b)(i) how many crashes claimed the lives of children and (ii) what is the detailed breakdown of the ages of the children who died in road crashes in the province and (c) what is the detailed breakdown of (i) staff shortages and (ii) other resources for traffic officers in the province in (aa) 2019, (bb) 2020, (cc) 2021, (dd) 2022 and (ee) 2023 to date?
5 14 July 2023 14999

In respect of the BMW vehicles that are sitting idly in the Government Garage and at the Gene Louw Traffic College since 2022:

  1. (a) What is the number of BMWs that have been purchased by his Department, (b) what is the intended purpose for these vehicles, (c) what is the total cost of the purchase and (d)(i) how long have the vehicles been parked and (ii) why;
  1. whether any money is spent to keep the vehicles parked there; if so, (a) how much is paid per day and (b) what other cost are paid for the parked vehicles;
  1. whether it is normal procedure for his Department to purchase such a big fleet and have it parked for so long without being used; if not, what are the relevant details; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. when will these vehicles to be used for the purpose they were purchased for?
4 14 July 2023 14998

In respect of operations at the Murraysburg Hospital:

What are the (i) infrastructure challenges that exist at the hospital and (ii) plans to address them and (iii) timelines involved, (b) what (i) is the number and (ii) are the details of the funded posts at the hospital, (c) what (i) is the number and (ii) are the details of the vacancies that exist, (d) what is the detailed breakdown of the vacancies per (i) occupation and (ii) grade and (e)(i) what was the total cost of building the wash bay at the hospital, (ii) what will it be used for and (iii) why is it not in use after so many months after completion?

3 14 July 2023 14997

In respect of operations at the Huis Spitskop Old-age Home:

  1. (a) What is her Department’s total transfers to the NPO in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date, (b) what are the names and qualifications of the (i) board of directors and (ii) management of the NPO and (iii) how long were each appointed and (c) when last did the NPO hold an AGM to appoint a new board and to address other affairs of the NPO;
  1. whether she is aware of the allegations of (a) nepotism, (b) racism and (c) ill-treatment of staff members at this NPO; if so, what action steps have been taken to investigate further and to take action to resolve these allegations;
  1. what is the detailed breakdown of the demographics and qualifications of staff members, including (a) age, (b) gender and (c) race?
2 14 July 2023 14996
  1. What critical infrastructure was damaged during the recent flooding in the province, (b) which of these have already been repaired and (c) what is the estimated cost of repairing all the damaged infrastructure?
1 14 July 2023 14995

a)    What development funding opportunities are provided by her Department to small businesses operating in townships in the province and (b) what is the detailed list of funding opportunities in the province for start-up businesses?


17 30 June 2023 14947

