
SC on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport



  1. Consideration and adoption of draft Committee report on the 2021/22 Annual Reports of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport and its entities, the Western Cape Language Committee, the Heritage Western Cape, and the Western Cape Cultural Commission.
  2. Consideration and adoption of draft Committee documents.
  3. Actions/Recommendations

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Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice

SC on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

[Closed Session]

1. 08h00 – 08h05: Welcome and attendance

2. 08h05 – 08h45: Discussion on and finalisation of interview questions

3. 09h00 – 11h00: Interviews of candidates to fill the vacancies on the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board

4. 11h00 – 11h45: Discussion on candidates who have interviewed for the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board vacancy

5. 11h45 – 12h30: Break (Procedural Officer to draft the report)

[Open Session]


1.        Opening and welcome

2.        Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Draft Minutes of the meeting that was held on 12 August 2022

3.        Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Draft Minutes of the meeting that was held on 17 October 2022

4.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Central Karoo Report oversight report

5.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee West Coast Report Oversight report


1.        Opening and welcome


2.        Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Draft Minutes of the meeting that was held on 12 August 2022

3.        Consideration and adoption of the Committee’s Draft Minutes of the meeting that was held on 17 October 2022

4.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Central Karoo Report oversight report

5.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee West Coast Report Oversight report


1.        Deliberation on Vote 8: Human Settlements, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, (2022)

2.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on Vote 8: Human Settlements, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Adjustments Appropriation Bill, (2022)

3.        Resolutions/Actions

View live here:

