Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link
  1. What procedures are currently in place to ensure that traffic law enforcement officers do not engage in (a) corruption or (b) bribery;
  2. whether he is aware of any officers who have been found guilty of corruption or bribery; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what actions have been taken against them?
6 30 June 2023 14932


  1. How (a) many taxis in the province currently possess an operating licence, (b) many applications are currently being processed and (c) long does the (i) application and (ii) processing of the operating licence take;
  2. (a) how many (i) legal and (ii) illegal taxis are estimated to be operating in the province and (b) how many taxis operating illegally have been impounded in the past five financial years?
5 30 June 2023 14931
  1. How many traffic law enforcement vehicles does his Department currently have;
  2. whether this number is an adequate number of vehicles to enforce the law effectively; if not, why not;
  3. how many more vehicles are set to be purchased in the upcoming three financial years;
  4. whether there are any cases where a law enforcement vehicle has been stolen; if so, what are the relevant details;
  5. whether he is aware of any criminal groups posing as law enforcement officers to target and hijack individuals; if so, what are the relevant details?
4 30 June 2023 14930
  1. What processes must be followed in order to register oneself as a secondhand goods dealer or recycler, (b) what steps does the SAPS take in order to ensure that the relevant legislation is complied with by secondhand goods dealers or recyclers, (c) what steps does the SAPS take to ensure that recyclers of controlled metals do not deal in stolen goods and (d) how many individuals were arrested in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021 and (iii) 2022 for offences related to illegal dealing in controlled metals?
3 30 June 2023 14929

Whether any SAPS precinct telephone systems in the Western Cape have failed in the last six months; if so, what are the relevant details of each of these cases?


2 30 June 2023 14928
  1. How many sport facilities have been (i) vandalised and (ii) robbed in the past five years, (b) what are the costs incurred due to vandalism and robberies in the past five years and (c) what is her Department doing to mitigate the impact of vandalism and robberies on sport facilities?
1 30 June 2023 14926

With regard to the Quarterly Labour Force Survey for quarter 1 of 2023:

(a)   What is the breakdown of the unemployment in the province per (i) municipality, (ii) race and (iii) gender, (b) what is the breakdown of the youth unemployment in the province per (i) municipality, (ii) race, (iii) gender and (iv) age, (c) what is the number of youth not in employment, education or training (NEET) and (d) what is the breakdown per (i) municipality, (ii) race, (iii) gender and (iv) age and (e) what are the provincial government’s programmes to address youth unemployment and NEETs?

34 15 June 2023 14897

With regard to learner placement for the 2024 academic year:

  1. What is the detailed breakdown of learner placement per (a) school and (b) education district as at the latest date for which information is available;
  2. whether raw data and a detailed list of all unsuccessful applicants per (a) school and (b) education district can be made available as at the latest date for which information is available;
  3. what are the hotspot areas for unplaced learners in the province as at the latest date for which information is available;
  4. as at 15 June 2023, (a) what is the number of learners who have successfully been placed at schools and (b) how many were still on the waiting list;

(5)   whether he, with regard to those learners who applied on time and correctly but were rejected by all the schools they applied to, can provide the following details: what is the (a) number of these learners and (b) detailed breakdown per (i) race, (ii) grade and (iii) school where these learners were rejected?

33 15 June 2023 14896


    1. (a) What is the number of health inspectors who are deployed to assist the WCED to conduct health inspections at ECD facilities and (b) what is the detailed breakdown per education district;
    1. whether there are any delays and/or backlogs for these health inspections at ECD facilities; if so, what are the waiting times to get an inspector to come;
    1. (a) how often do these health inspections take place at ECD facilities and (b) what has been the price of calling a health inspector in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date;
    1. whether he is aware of complaints from ECD practitioners about (a) long turnaround times and (b) exorbitant costs for calling health inspectors to ECD facilities; if so, what has been his Department’s intervention?
32 15 June 2023 14895

With regard to the Police Recorded Crime Statistics for the fourth quarter of the 2022/23 financial year (January 2023 to March 2023):

(a)   What is the detailed breakdown per police station for the following categories: (i) murder, (ii) attempted murder, (iii) sexual offences, (iv) rape, (v) illegal possession of firearms and ammunition and (vi) drug-related crimes and (b) what is the number of (i) women and (ii) children who were (aa) murdered and (bb) sexually violated in the province?

31 15 June 2023 14894

