Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link

With reference to the community of Van Wyksvlei, Wellington:

  1. Whether the Wellington Community Day Centre (CDC) is registered as a 24/7 medical centre; if so, (a) what is the clinic’s operation plan, (b) has a permanent matron been appointed to oversee the daily operation of the institution, (c) how many doctors are permanently allocated to the clinic, (d) is the building capacitated (i) to accommodate minor surgeries, (ii) with oxygen facilities, (iii) to provide mental health aid and (iv) with pregnancy facilities and (e) is the building equipped to accommodate stay-in patients;
  2. (a) what medical conditions can be treated at the Wellington CDC and (b)(i) what is the clinic’s operational budget allocated by her Department and (ii) how much of this annual allocation is spent;
  3. whether the Wellington CDC is fully operational in terms of its functions; if not, what departments or sections in the healthcare facility must still be implemented;
  4. (a) what current medical equipment is the Wellington CDC stocked with, (b) what are the basic functions of these medical tools and (c)(i) which communities fall within the operational area of the Wellington CDC and (ii) does this include the farm communities adjacent to the Wellington CDC;

whether she has received complaints of (a) nurses writing prescriptions on behalf of doctors to patients who have not undergone medical observation, (b) patients being turned away as their condition is not “serious enough” for medical care, (c) patients being advised to use herbal medication, (d) patients having to purchase medication from private pharmacies at astronomical costs, (e) patients not being able to get doctors’ appointments for months and being advised to seek medical care from the Paarl District Hospital; if so, how has she responded or resolved them?

8 14 May 2021 11746

With reference to the M3 from Wynberg Hill to Steenberg Road:

  1. Whether the Western Cape Government is the road authority for the M3 from Wynberg Hill to Steenberg Road;
  2. whether the City of Cape Town acts as an agent of the Western Cape Government for this stretch of road; if so, what is the City responsible for;
  3. which government is responsible for the (a) maintenance and (b) eventual replacement of the fence along both sides of this road;
  4. whether there are plans that this stretch of road will be devolved to the City; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
1 14 May 2021 11745

(a) Which areas have been hit by the locust plague in the province, (b) what measures have been put in place to manage the situation and to control the damage caused by this challenge, (c) what is his Department doing to make sure the locust plague does not spread to other areas in the province and (d) how is his Department assisting smallholder livestock farmers in particular whose gracing land have been invaded by locusts?

8 7 May 2021 11744

With regard to the Provincial Treasury’s advertisement of two bids for “strategic advisory support” and “project development services” to support municipal energy resilience (MER) in November 2020:

    1. (a) What were the terms of reference for the appointment of these service providers, (b) what was the project scope and (c) can copies of the relevant documentation be provide;
    1. whether the service providers have been appointed; if so, (a) what are the names of the companies, (b) what is the contract value and (c) what progress with the work has been made by these service providers to date;
    1. (a)(i) how much was the budget and (ii) from which programmes were the funds to cover the costs of these contracts drawn and (b) how much has been paid out to date;
    1. (a) what are the details of the (i) name or names and (ii) designations of the Bid Specification Committee (BEC) and (b) what are the details of the bid specifications for this bid;
    1. (a) what are the details of the (i) name or names and (ii) designations of the Bid Evaluation Committee (BEC), (b) what are the details of the report and recommendation of the BEC for this tender to the Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC) and (c) can a detailed list of those that tendered versus those that were finally shortlisted or recommended be provided;
    1. (a)(i) what are the details of the (ii) name or names of the members of the BAC and (b) what are the details of the final adjudication report for this bid, including the score sheets of those that were recommended for the award;
    1. whether there was any deviation that had to be applied for in the case of this tender, if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what was the deviation approved by the Accounting Officer;
    1. (a) how were the seven municipalities announced in the budget speech selected for the MER;
    1. whether these municipalities qualify as “municipalities in good financial health” in accordance with the Minister’s previous public statements; if so, (a) what are the details of that qualification and (b) what is the status of each of these selected municipalities on each element of such a qualification?
4 7 May 2021 11743

With reference to the reply to question 9 of 26 February 2021:

  1. (a) Of the 1 544 school listed on the Department’s User Asset Management Plan, how many schools have (i) libraries, (ii) computer rooms and (iii) science laboratories and (b) what has happened to the 95 schools unaccounted for in the response (1 067 primary schools and 382 secondary schools equal 1 449 schools but there are 1 544 schools in the province according to the Department’s User Asset Management Plan and therefore 95 schools are unaccounted for);
  2. (a) what budget has been made available to resolve the problems at the 78 schools that have been identified as constructed from “inappropriate material” and (b) what budget has been made available for repairs at the 22 schools in need of repair;
  3. whether children are still attending the schools in (2); if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) in which areas are these schools situated;
  4. (a) what budget has been made available for repairs and maintenance at the schools identified and (b) how many school buildings have been transferred to the Department of Transport and Public Works since 2009?
1 7 May 2021 11742

With reference to the reply to question 9 of 1 April 2021 regarding People Management, which falls under his Department:

  1. (a) What were the original criteria used to advertise these positions, (b) of the applications received, how many applicants met the Employment Equity Plan requirements and (c) why did the successful candidate decline the offer;
  2. whether the offer was amended before the head-hunting process was implemented, if so, why;
  3. (a) how many candidates were identified through the head-hunting process, (b) how many of these candidates met the Employment Equity Plan requirements, (c) what were the other relevant factors that the Employment Equity Plan requirements were weighted against;
  4. (a) when was the pre-existing relationship between the incumbents in question disclosed and (b)(i) how was this information communicated and (ii) to whom was this communicated;
  5. which provisions of the Public Service Act, the Public Service Regulations and other prescripts have been relied upon to empower the head official of Provincial Treasury to deviate from the approved organisational structure of the Provincial Treasury to conclude the management contract referred to?
4 30 April 2021 11741

With reference to the reply to question 9 of 1 April 2021 regarding People Management, which falls under his Department:

  1. (a) On what dates did the posts became vacant, (b) what processes were followed to fill the two posts in question, (c) on what dates were the posts advertised, (d) where were these posts advertised, (e) how many applications were received, (f) on what dates were the candidates interviewed for these positions and (g) what methods were followed preceding the head-hunting processes;
  2. (a)(i) how were the candidates for each of the head-hunting processes identified and (ii) by whom, (b) when did the head-hunting process commence, (c) when were the candidates employed, (d) who first identified, contacted and invited the two incumbents to participate;
  3. (a) to whom and (b) at what point of the process was the conflict of interest reported and (c) how and (d) by whom were the conflicts of interest raised;
  4. if the conflict of interest was known, whether there was an instruction given to overlook this conflict and to proceed with the appointments of the incumbents; if so, (a) from whom and (b) on what dates?
3 30 April 2021 11740

With regard to the closure of three of the old-age homes of the Cape Peninsula Organisation for the Aged (CPOA) in the province:

  1. (a) What circumstances led to the closure, (b)(i) what is the number of old people who stay in CPOA-run homes and (ii) what is the breakdown of this number per old-age home and (c)(i) how will the closure of the three old-age homes affect the numbers in other old-age homes and (ii) how will the risk of the spread of COVID-19 be mitigated;
  2. whether the planned closures of the old-age homes will result in any job losses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. whether her Department was made aware of the planned closures before the final decision was taken; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) when was her Department made aware of the planned closures;
  4. (a) what intervention did her Department take to assist with the situation and (b) what is the total breakdown of expenditure per annum that her Department incurred through transfers to the CPOA in (i) 2016, (ii) 2017, (iii) 2018, (iv) 2019, (v) 2020 and (vi) 2021 to date;
  5. whether there are any other organisations at risk of closing down for similar reasons as those of the CPOA; if so, what are the relevant details?
3 12 February 2021 11739

With regard to her Department’s PPE procurement:

  1. Which company or companies won the tender to supply PPE to the schools in the province, (b) what (i) are the details of the owners and/or directors of each company and (ii) is value of each contract and (c) what is the business address of each company that supplied PPE to the schools in the province?
12 12 February 2021 11738

With regard to his government’s procurement of a COVID-19 vaccine:

  1. (a) What is the total cost that has been incurred by his government to date in the process of procuring a vaccine, including (i) the breakdown of the total expenditure and (ii) the names of the companies that his government has engaged in the process, (b)(i) what progress has been made with regard to the provincial procurement of a COVID-19 vaccine and (ii) when can the delivery of the procured vaccine be expected and (c)(i) what is the total budget for the procurement of a vaccine and (ii) how many doses are being targeted;
  2. whether, with regard to the high demand for a vaccine and the slowness and difficulty in securing a vaccine for the province, he will consider abandoning the process of procuring a vaccine; if not, why not?
16 5 March 2021 11737

