Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

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Question Question Number Date Question Link
  1. (a) What is the total breakdown of the expenditure on PPE supplies and other COVID-19-related expenditure in the municipalities of (i) Oudtshoorn, (ii) Knysna, (iii) Witzenberg, (iv) Drakenstein, (v) Stellenbosch, (vi) Breede Valley and (vii) Langeberg, (b) what is the detailed list of all the companies that provided PPE supplies, including (i) their BBBEE status, (ii) the details of the owners and (iii) the key focus areas of the business and (c) what rand value was awarded to each company for this expenditure;
  2. whether there was any competitive bidding for the supply of PPE; if not, (a) what process was followed to identify and select these companies and (b) if any companies formed part of the supply-chain database; if so, what are the relevant details;
  3. whether local companies in these municipalities benefitted from the business; if not, how did the locals, including residents and businesses, benefit from the PPE expenditure in their municipalities; if so, what are the relevant details?
2 16 October 2020 11592

Following reports of COVID-19 positive cases at various workplaces in the Cape Town metropolitan area:

  1. Whether her Department is aware of the positive case or cases at the Fibremill factory in Atlantis;
  2. (a) what is the capacity of isolation facilities in Atlantis and (b) what is the latest occupation or use status of these facilities;
  3. (a) whether the clinic and healthcare workers in Atlantis were made aware of these facilities and (b) are they offering these facilities to every person who tests positive or needs to be isolates; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  4. whether the Fibremill factory in Atlantis had been sanitised prior to workers returning to work; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  5. whether her Department is aware of a COVID-19 positive case at the De Novo Rehabilitation Centre in Kraaifontein; if so, what are the relevant details;
  6. (a) why were the staff and patients at the centre not informed of the first positive case and (b)(i) what screening and testing support was offered to the other staff and patients following the first positive case and (ii) how long after the first positive case was the support provided;
  7. whether all the staff and patients were traced and offered public isolation facilities; if so, what are the relevant details;
  8. whether her Department is aware of a COVID-19 positive case at the offices of the SAPS’s Forensic Services in Cape Town; if so, (a) what contact tracing has been undertaken, (b) what isolation protocols have been implemented and (c) why have the remaining staff members been required to return to work and not be isolated?
5 3 July 2020 11591
  1. (a) Who has been nominated by Western Cape Agriculture to serve on the Ebenhaeser Trust and (b) what is this individual’s prior exposure to businesses and trusts;
  1. (a)(i) how many budgets have been submitted by the Ebenhaeser Trust to his Department for a due diligence analysis and (ii) what were the full sum of the expenditure contained in those budgets and (b)(i) what were the major expense items contained in those budgets and (ii) what amounts have be transferred by the Ebenhaeser Trust to the Community Property Association?
3 19 June 2020 11590
  1. What are the details of the biggest trade partners of the province, including (a) the sectors of the economy in which they trade, (b) the nature of the trade, (c) the GDP sector contribution to both the provincial and the national economy, (d) a list of South African and foreign companies that are major players in the sector and (e) a list of trade partners with their trade contributions expressed as percentages;


  1. (a) what is the breakdown of the Western Cape’s regional export flow and (b) what was the contribution of each region to Western Cape exports in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016, (iv) 2017, (v) 2018, (vi) 2019 and (vii) 2020 to date.
9 12 June 2020 11589

With reference to the broadband roll-out of the provincial government:

  1. What is the total expenditure of the project for (a)(i) phase 1 and (ii) phase 2, (b) what is the detailed breakdown of the expenditure in terms of (i) infrastructure costs, (ii) labour costs and (iii) data-related costs;
  1. whether the provincial government owns the broadband infrastructure or rents it from the service provider;
  1. (a) how many sites are (i) in the metropolitan area of the City of Cape Town and (ii) outside the metropolitan area of the City of Cape Town metro and the surrounding rural areas;
  1. (a) how many schools and government buildings in the metropolitan area and outside the metropolitan area have been connected, (b) how many sites in total that are not buildings or schools of the Western Cape Government in the metropolitan area and outside the metropolitan area have been connected and (c) what are the details of these sites?
10 6 March 2020 11588

With reference to the Beaufort West Municipality:

  1. Whether there is an approved organogram for the municipality; if not, why not; if so; what are the relevant details, including the approved organogram;
  1. what are the (a) names, (b) task levels (T-levels) and (c) total cost of employment (TCoE) of all persons from task level 8 (T8);
  1. what is the total salary bill per month for all municipal staff members;


  1. (a) what is the total overtime bill for August 2018 to June 2019, (b) what are the names of the municipal officials who claimed overtime, (c) what are their designations and (d) what was the overtime cost per month;
  1. (a) what are the (i) names, (ii) designations and (iii) TCoE of all municipal appointments made since August 2018, including full-time, permanent and temporary contract and advisory appointments, (b)(i) what was the composition of the selection panels, (ii) what was the content of the advertisements and (iii) where were the positions advertised for all the appointments made since August 2018?
8 12 July 2019 11587

With regard to his announcement during SOPA 2022 that his Cabinet has adopted a GBV Implementation Plan and that key interventions have been identified and agreed upon to be prioritised by all 13 heads of department:

  1. (a) What are the details of the GBV Implementation Plan, (b) what are the key interventions that have been identified, (c) what are the specific roles that will be played by each department, (d) what accountability measures will be put in place to ensure that Ministers are held accountable for any failure to implement these interventions fully and (e)(i) what will be the total budget for this GBV Intervention Plan and (ii) where will it come from;
  1. (a) what is the total breakdown of the expenditure of his government in the fight against GBV and femicide in the province in (i) 2014, (ii) 2015, (iii) 2016, (iv) 2017, (v) 2018, (vi) 2019, (vii) 2020, (viii) 2021 and (ix) 2022 to date and (b) what is the breakdown of expenditure per municipality?
21 25 February 2022 11586

With regard to the Premier’s assertion made in SOPA 2022 that “we adopted the most extensive provincial Safety Plan in South Africa, which has now resulted in 1 056 Law Enforcement Advancement Programme (LEAP) officers being trained and deployed, through the City of Cape Town, to 13 high-crime police precincts”:

  1. (a) What are the details of the deployment of these LEAP officers, (b) what are the details of the 13 high-crime police precincts, (c) what is the number of deployed officers per area and (d) of the deployed officers, how many are dealing with (i) crime prevention, (ii) anti-land invasions and (iii) public-order policing;
  1. whether any detectives have been recruited and deployed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. (a) under which section of the Western Cape Safety Plan is provision made for the establishment of Area-Based Teams (ABTs), (b) what are the details of the high-crime areas where these ABTs are deployed, (c) how much is paid per month to these ABTs and (d) what are the daily responsibilities and tasks of these ABTs;
  1. what is the total breakdown of expenditure of the Safety Plan from its inception to date, including the cost of (a) training, (b) remuneration and (c) equipment and machinery?
19 25 February 2022 11585


(a) What progress has been made with the shifting of the Early Childhood Development function from her Department to the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), (b) what are the details of the functions currently undertaken by (i) her Department and (ii) the WCED and (c)(i) what has caused the delays in the migration of this function to the WCED and (ii) when will it be completed fully

22 25 February 2022 11584

With regard to the assertion made in his SOPA 2022 that wheeling (which is the private-to-private trading of energy) across municipal networks is being explored in seven Western Cape municipalities, given the recent unlocking of national electricity regulations:

(a) What are the details of this wheeling, including (i) the amount of energy being traded and (ii) the cost of the electricity and (b)(i) what are the details of the seven municipalities and (ii) what criteria were used to select them?

15 25 February 2022 11583

