Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link

What are the details of all national government interventions and funded programmes in the province to support (i) SMMEs and (ii) informal businesses on each year between 2019 and 2023 to date; including (aa) full list of all businesses that have benefited and (bb) details of support received?

12 3 March 2023 14325

With regard to pupil-on-pupil violence and teachers becoming the victims of physical assault:

  1. Whether his Department has taken steps to safeguard learners and teachers at schools against physical attacks; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. whether violence at school have had an impact on learner drop-outs from school; if so, what are the relevant details?
2 3 March 2023 14324
  1. How many children across the province have been removed from gangs and placed in programmes or facilities to better their lives, (b) (i) where does the children come from and (ii) the average age of the children and (c) how much did her Department spend on such programmes in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021 and (iii) 2022?
21 17 March 2023 14318

(a) What progress has been in terms of the implementation of the National Drug Master Plan in the province, (b) what is the number and details of local drug committees that have been established, (c) (i) which municipalities have not established local drug committees and (ii) reasons thereof and (d) what is the mandate and objectives of the local drug committees?


19 3 March 2023 14317
  1. What progress has been made to implement the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 in the province; (b) what are the details of all tasks that have been undertaken since the Act was signed into law until February 2023, (c) (i) what are the details of tasks that are outstanding and (ii) what is causing the delays and (d) when will the Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act 3 of 2019 be fully implemented in the province?
16 3 March 2023 14316

With respect to the ongoing outbreak of Measles in the Province identified by the NICD:

  1. Whether her Department has put any interventions in place to prevent further spread of the disease; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. how many vaccination sites are currently administering Measles vaccines in the province;
  3. whether her Department possess an adequate supply of Measles vaccines; if so, what are the relevant details?




7 3 March 2023 14315

(1)   What is the number of breakdowns that have been reported per month for (a) MyCiTi and (b) Go George busses in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date;


(2)   what (a) are the details pertaining to the servicing and maintenance of these busses, (b) is the (i) budget allocation and (ii) expenditure breakdown for the servicing and maintenance of the MyCiTi and Go George busses during the same period and (c) plans have been made in order to get these busses to be more efficient and fully operational?

25 24 February 2023 14314
  1. What is he and his Department doing to reduce the dropout rate of learners to ensure that our matric throughput is as close as possible to the number of learners who started school 12 years prior;
  1. what is his and his Department’s plan of action to resolve the issue of (a) school dropouts (to ensure that learners complete their education), (b) unplaced learners and (c) learners on school waiting lists at several schools across the province;
  1. whether his Department has a plan to provide learners with a learning environment that is not crowded and subjects them to inhumane conditions; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. (a) when were the 662 new classrooms delivered as mentioned in the Premier’s State of the Province Address and (b) how many learners have been placed in each classroom;
  1. what is his Department’s plan with unplaced learners on farms and in informal settlements that are located far from schools?
24 24 February 2023 14313

With regard to the use of the Brackengate Hospital:

  1. (a) When was last COVID-19 patient discharged, (b) when does the lease on the property end and (c) why is the facility not currently being used for patients;
  2. (a) how much expenses has the provincial government incurred for the Brackengate Hospital from the time that the last COVID-19 patient was treated to date and (b)(i) what is the (aa) number and (bb) details of the beds and other healthcare equipment and material that are stored at the Brackengate Hospital and (ii) what will they be used for in the future?
23 24 February 2023 14312

With reference to the Cape Town inner-city social housing development:

  1. Which parcels of land has been (a) earmarked for inner-city social housing development and (b) successfully developed as inner-city social housing units since the start of the sixth administration;
  1. whether there any known factors that limit the development of inner-city social housing; if so, what are the relevant details?


22 24 February 2023 14311

