Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link

What is the total number of internships provided by the Western Cape provincial government in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021 and (iv) 2022, (b) what was the average stipend paid to interns during this period and (c) how many interns were permanently employed by the Western Cape Government following the completion of their internships during the same period?

21 24 February 2023 14310

During the 2023 Western Cape State of the Province Address (SOPA), the Premier mentioned that the Western Cape provincial government will make R89 million available to Western Cape municipalities in a form of emergency funding for the purpose of purchasing back-up generators:

  1. Whether there are any specific targeted municipalities to whom this emergency funding will be allocated; if not, will all municipalities benefit irrespective of the financial resources that they may have at their disposal; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. what pro-active mechanisms will be used to monitor every rand granted to each municipality to make sure that the funds are used for its intended purposes;

(3)   whether the Cash for Power Project is only intended to benefit wealthy households financially; if not, how are poor households going to benefit from this project?


20 24 February 2023 14309

With respect to the Reading for Meaning Programme:

  1. How much has his Department spent in each financial year since the inception of the programme, (b) in which (i) grades and (ii) schools has the programme been implemented in, (c) what metrics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the programme and (d) in relation to (c), what have been the results of the programme in each year since its implementation?
19 24 February 2023 14308

In relation to the incidents of vandalism and burglary that occurred at schools over recent festive season:

  1. How many incidents of (i) vandalism and (ii) burglary occurred, (b) what items were vandalised and/or stolen, (c) what is the total cost of repairs and replacement as a result of the vandalism and burglary and (d) how much did his Department provide in subsidies for security at schools during the school holiday?


18 24 February 2023 14307
  1. (a) What criteria are considered when assessing applications for the keeping of exotic wild animals and (b) how often are inspections undertaken to ensure adherence to the conditions in terms of which the permits were issued;
  2. (a) how often is the well-being of these animals monitored and (b) what role do animal welfare organisations play to assist his Department in this regard;
  3. how many cases of (a) neglect, (b) malnutrition and/or (c) non-adherence to conditions in terms of which permits were issued by the Department were identified and resolved in the last five years?
17 24 February 2023 14306
  1. Whether his Department keeps a database of (a) owners or (b) facilities to whom permits have been issued for the keeping of exotic wild animals; if so, (i) for which species have permits been issued and (ii) how many of these animals are currently legally kept in the province;
  2. how many permits issued by his Department to (a) residents or (b) facilities to keep exotic wild animals, particularly tigers, are currently valid?
16 24 February 2023 14305

With respect to the Department’s Da Vinci Surgical Robotic Programme:

  1. (a) How many surgeries have taken place to date at (i) Tygerberg and (ii) Groote Schuur and (b) on average, (i) how much quicker can surgeries be performed and (ii) how quicker is the recovery time when these pieces of machinery are used;
  2. whether the two Da Vinci Xi systems have helped to reduce the surgical backlog; if so, what are the relevant details?
15 24 February 2023 14304

With reference the reply to question 14 of 27 January 2023:

  1. (a) What are the details of the company to whom the original Professional Services Providers tender was awarded and (b) what are the reasons for the cancellation of this tender;
  2. (a) what is the value of the contract that has been awarded to a certain company, whose name has been furnished to her Department for the purpose of her reply, for the design and construction management of the Klipfontein Regional Hospital, (b) what is the BBBEE status of the company and (c) what are the details of the company’s board of directors;
  3. what are the details of all the tasks that have been undertaken for the construction of the Klipfontein Regional Hospital since the awarding of the tender on 16 September 2022?
14 24 February 2023 14303
  1. (a) What are the details of the (i) informal trading by-laws per municipality and (ii) designated informal markets per municipality in the province, (b) what are the details of the informal markets (i) supported and (ii) not supported per municipality and (c) can copies of these by-laws be made available;

(a) what are the details of the programmes to support informal trading in municipalities and (b) what are the details of the budget allocation for informal trading per municipality in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date

13 24 February 2023 14302
  1. What are the (i) details of the Local Economic Development (LED) strategies of each municipality in the province, (ii) budgets and (iii) functional structures of the LED per municipality in the province and (b) can copies of these strategies be made available?


12 24 February 2023 14301

