Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link
  1. What is the (i) number and (ii) details of all the cases that have been reported to the Western Cape Police Ombudsman for investigation in (aa) 2019, (bb) 2020, (cc) 2021, (dd) 2022 and (ee) 2023 to date and (b)(i) how many cases (aa) have been finalised and (bb) not been finalised and (ii) what are the reasons therefor?
11 24 February 2023 14300

With regard to the latest crime statistics, what is the total breakdown of (a) murders and (b) extortion cases recorded per police station in the province?


10 24 February 2023 14299

With regard to the funding of community policing forums (CPFs) in the province:

What is the total expenditure breakdown per community policing forum in (a) 2019, (b) 2020, (c) 2021, (d) 2022 and (e) 2023 to date?

9 24 February 2023 14297
  1. (a) What is the number of learners who have been placed for the 2023 academic year and (b) what is the detailed breakdown of the schools where the learners have been placed;
  2. with regard to the over 8 500 learners between Grade 2 and Grade 7 and Grade 9 and Grade 12 who requested transfers to other schools as in November 2022, how many learners (a) have been transferred and (b) not been transferred;
  3. how many learners between (a) Grade 2 and Grade 7 and (b) Grade 9 and Grade 12 are not yet placed at schools for the 2023 academic year?
8 24 February 2023 14296
  1. What is the number of incidents that have been reported to the dedicated email address from the launch of the campaign to date;
  2. whether her Department’s task to design a performance indicator to measure how the government addresses gender-based violence (GBV) has been completed; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
7 24 February 2023 14295

What are the performance indicators and baseline that are used to measure the provincial government’s response to the scourge of gender-based violence (GBV) and femicide?

6 24 February 2023 14294

Whether there are any investigations by the Health Ombudsman that have been undertaken against healthcare facilities in the province from 2014 to date; if so, (a) what are the relevant details and (b) what were the findings in each case?


5 24 February 2023 14293
  1. any Members of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament and/or Western Cape Ministers have been arrested for drunk driving or other violations of the traffic laws from the beginning of the sixth administration to date; if so, what are the details of the person and offence committed;
  1. whether a certain person, whose name been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply, has been arrested for drunk driving in the period 2014 to date; if so, what are the relevant details?
4 24 February 2023 14292

With regard to the establishment of the two new departments in the provincial government:

What is the latest update about this, (b) what tasks (i) have been completed and (ii) are not yet completed, (c) what will be the (i) budget and (ii) organogram of each department and (d) what will be the powers and functions of the (i) HODs and (ii) senior managers?

3 24 February 2023 14279
  1. How much has his government contributed to Formula E and (b) what are the reasons therefor?
2 24 February 2023 14278

