Fact Sheet 8: Notices of Motion |
Feiteblad 8: Kennisgewings van mosies |
UXwebhu lweMiba 9: IZiphakamiso |
Fact Sheet 9: Motions |
Feiteblad 9: Mosies |
UXwebhu lweMiba 10: IziLungiso |
Fact Sheet 10: Amendments |
Feiteblad 10: Amendemente |
UXwebhu lweMiba 12: IziGqibo neeKhoram |
Fact Sheet 11: Sub judice rule |
Feiteblad 11: Sub judice reël |
UXwebhu lweMiba 13: UMba woBaluleko / oNgxamisekileyo kuLuntu |
Fact Sheet 12: Decisions and quorums |
Feiteblad 12: Beslissings en kworums |
UXwebhu lweMiba 14: ULwimi oluNgamkelekanga ePalamente |
Fact Sheet 13: Matter of public importance or urgent public importance |
Feiteblad 13: Sake van openbare belang of dringende openbare belang |
UXwebhu lweMiba 11: UMthetho woMba oPhambi kweeNkundla zoMthetho |
Fact Sheet 14: Unparliamentary language |
Feiteblad 14: Onparlementêre taalgebruik |