Questions and Replies

The right of Members to put questions to Ministers is an important part of ensuring the executive authority’s accountability to the Provincial Parliament. Questions may be put to Ministers related to their spheres of responsibility. Replies to questions are either given orally in the House or in writing. The replies to oral questions are recorded in Hansard.

On this page you can search questions for written reply. Use one or more of the search fields by making a selection from the relevant dropdown menu. You can also do a text search by entering a search term in the text field– specific search terms will render a better result. Click ‘Apply’. The results will be displayed in the table below. Click on ‘Question Link’ to view the full result. When you are searching, it is advisable to complete as many of the search fields as possible in order to narrow down the results.

Question Question Number Date Question Link

(a)   How many recommendations by the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) did the SAPS implement in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021, (iii) 2022 and (iv) 2023 to date and (b) what percentage of the total recommendations made by IPID did the SAPS implement in (i) 2020, (ii) 2021, (iii) 2022 and (iv) 2023 to date?

12 20 October 2023 16445
  1. Whether his Department has in the past experienced periods when abalone and crayfish poaching were more prevalent; if so, which months have seen above-average marine poaching activities;
  2. to what extent is information regarding poaching hotspots and times during the year that see increased poaching activities used to plan anti-poaching actions;

(3)     (a) to what extent do anti-poaching actions influence applications for holiday leave and (b) what percentage of staff involved with law-enforcement activities is not allowed to take holiday leave over the December to January festive season?

11 20 October 2023 16444
  1. Whether she can provide an overview of the agreements between Wesgro and municipalities in the province;

(2)  (a) what is the comprehensive breakdown of these agreements by municipality and (b) can the copies of these agreements be made available;

  1. (a) what is the information regarding the annual payments made by each municipal-ity to Wesgro in (i) 2019, (ii) 2020, (iii) 2021, (iv) 2022 and (v) 2023 to date and (b)(i) what is the purpose of these payments and (ii) what is the value derived from these payments by municipalities;
  1. what are the details of the agreements that Wesgro has successfully secured for each municipality in the province in the same period as in (3) above?
14 22 September 2023 16443

With regard to delayed Sassa payments:

  1. Whether her Department has received any complaints with regard to the current grants crisis; if so, what are the relevant details;
  1. what assistance or guidance is her Department receiving from the national Depart-ment of Social Development for the provision of relief to beneficiaries in the light of delayed grant payments?
3 22 September 2023 16442
  1. How much has the (i) Executive Mayor, (ii) Deputy Mayor and (iii) Municipal Manager of the Central Karoo District Municipality received in (aa) salary payments (bb) motor vehicle allowances and (cc) overtime allowance in the past three financial years and (b) how much has been spent on (i) catering, (ii) accommodation and (iii) entertainment in the past three financial years?
2 22 September 2023 16441

Whether there have been any irregular appointments in (a) Kannaland, (b) Beaufort West and (c) Laingsburg over the past five financial years; if so, (i) who was appointed to what position, (ii) why was the appointment deemed illegal or irregular, (iii) what is the total salary package associated with each appointment and (iv) what steps has his Department taken in each case?

11 25 August 2023 16440
  1. Whether locust swarms have in the past bred on or crossed nature reserves or nature areas under the control of CapeNature; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. what is his Department’s position on the (a) chemical and (b) biological control of locust plagues in the province, particularly if it should be found that swarms at the hopper stage exist in nature reserves;

(3)     to what extend has his Department in the past monitored actions to control locust swarms, including the use of insecticides, by the (a) provincial and (b) national Department of Agriculture?

10 20 October 2023 16439
  1. Whether Casidra is charging a management fee for its work in managing the farms (a) Waaikraal and (b) Amalienstein; if so, what are the relevant details;
  2. whether the management costs are included in the annual financial statements of these farms; if not, why not;
  3. (a) what were the annual costs that Casidra incurred in managing these farms in the (i) 2020/21, (ii) 2021/22, (iii) 2022/23 and (iv) 2023/24 financial years and (b) to what extent have farming conditions on these farms improved since the severe drought that hit the Klein Karoo during the latter half of the previous decade?
9 20 October 2023 16438

Concerning the Tourism Challenge Fund:

  1. (a) How many beneficiaries (i) applied and (ii) have benefited from this fund and (b) what are the details of the projects funded from this fund;
  2. whether this initiative has reached its intended goals; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
8 20 October 2023 16437

With regard to water quality:

(a) What is the quality of the drinking water in (i) Kannaland, (ii) Beaufort West and (iii) Laingsburg,

(b) which viruses have been detected in the water tests conducted in each town,

(c) what has led to the poor water quality in each town, and

(d)(i) what steps have been taken to improve the water quality and (ii) how much has been spent?

7 20 October 2023 16436

