
Budget Committee


  1. Welcome and attendance
  2. Briefing by Provincial Treasury on the Western Cape Additional Adjustments Appropriation Bill (2021/21 financial year), 2022
  3. Briefing by Provincial Treasury on the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2022
  4. 2021/22 3rd Quarter Performance (Financial and Non-financial).
  5. Resolutions and actions

View live here:

Parliamentary Oversight Committee


Please note that a meeting of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee will take place as follows:

Date: Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Time: 14h00 – 15h00

Venue: Virtual meeting via MS Teams




1. Welcome

2. Consideration and adoption of the following Committee documents:

2.1. The draft Committee Report on the Western Cape Appropriations Bill [B2-2022].

Parliamentary Oversight Committee meeting


Please note that a meeting of the Parliamentary Oversight Committee will take place as follows:

Date: Friday, 4 March 2022

Time: 09h00 – 12h00

Venue: Virtual meeting via MS Teams




1. Welcome

2. Briefings by the Western Cape Provincial Parliament on:

2.1. the 2nd and 3rd Quarterly Performance reports for the 2021/2022 financial year (July-December 2021);

Public Accounts Committee meeting


1. Welcome

2. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Public Accounts Committee Annual Report Resolutions Document for the 2020/21 financial year

3. Consideration and adoption of the following draft Committee minutes:

3.1. 8 November 2021;

3.2. 11 November 2021;

3.3. 12 November 2021;

3.4. 15 November 2021;

3.5. 16 November 2021;

3.6. 17 November 2021;

3.7. 18 November 2021;

3.8. 22 November 2021;

3.9. 25 November 2021,

3.10. 1 February 2022;

SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

1.        Opening and welcome

2.        Deliberation on Vote 9: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2022

3.        Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report on Vote 9: Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, in the Schedule to the Western Cape Appropriation Bill, 2022

4.        Resolutions/Actions

5.        General

6.        Closing

View live here:

