- Welcome and apologies
- Consideration and adoption of the Draft minutes of 1 March 2022
- Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Report of 1 March 2022
- Consideration and adoption of the Draft Final Committee Report of the Ad hoc Committee
- Resolutions/Actions
Budget Committee
- Welcome
- Consideration and adoption of the draft Committee Report on the Final Mandate on the Division of Revenue Bill [B 6–2022] (NCOP)
- Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 2022
- Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Quarterly Reports (October – December 2021 & January 2022 – March 2022)
- Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Annual Activity Report 2021/22
- Resolutions/Actions
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Public Accounts Committee meeting
Please note that a meeting of the above Standing Committee will take place as follows:
Date: 4 May 2022
Time: 09:00 – 12:00
Venue: Parliamentary Chamber, 6th Floor, 7 Wale Street.
1. Welcome
2. Briefing by the Department of the Premier, as well as Provincial Treasury, on the status of the implementation of the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) piloting in the Western Cape.
3. Briefing by Provincial Treasury on the following:
Public Accounts Committee meeting
Please note that a meeting of the above Standing Committee will take place as follows:
Date: 25 May 2022
Time: 09:00 – 12:00
*Venue: To be determined by the PAC at its meeting on 4 May 2022 and thereafter will be communicated to all stakeholders
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Briefing by the Western Cape Education Department, including the Auditor-General of South Africa, on how the Department will deal with its 2020/21 audit outcome findings in order to mitigate a future recurrence.
Public hearing: Transport Infrastructure Bill
The Standing Committee on Transport and Public Works invites stakeholders, interested persons and organisations to make submissions on the Western Cape Provincial Transport Infrastructure Bill [B 5–2021].
SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the Department of Agriculture on the:
2.1 Possible migration of the Elsenburg Agricultural Training Institute to the Department of Higher Education and Training with specific reference to the five options that will form part of the consultative process;
2.2 Status of the locust swarm situation in the Western Cape, actions employed, challenges experienced and mitigation measures in place; and
SC on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport
- Election of Committee Chairperson
- Briefing by the Department of Community Safety and the City of Cape Town on the Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP).
- Consideration and adoption of draft committee documents
- Resolutions/Actions
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*Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice
Meeting and Oversight Visit provincial housing complexes in Pienaar and Grebe Streets in Drakenstein (Paarl-East) 08:00 -09:00 Oversight visit to Drakenstein Municipality to observe provincial housing complexes in Pienaar and Grebe Streets in Drakenstein (Paarl-East) Meeting commences from 09:00-16:00 1. Opening and welcome |
Sitting of the House
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Sitting of the House
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