
Budget Committee

  1. Welcome and attendance
  2. Briefing by Western Cape Provincial Parliament on the way forward for a draft Money Bills Amendment procedure Bill
  3. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Minutes of the meetings held on 6 May 2022
  4. Resolutions and actions

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Public Accounts Committee meeting


1. Welcome and apologies

2. Briefings by the Auditor-General of South Africa and the Department of Agriculture on the following:

2.1. the court judgement which impacted on the audit outcomes of the Department from the 2016/17 to 2020/21 financial years, including how a future recurrence would be avoided.

2.2. the internal controls in place within the Department which impacted on the material misstatements and predetermined objectives of the Department.

3. APAC matters.

SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

(Informal Meet and Greet)

1. Introduction to the newly appointed Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities (Ms M Wenger) and the newly appointed Head of the Department of Economic Development and Tourism (Mr V Dube) 2. Discussion with the Minister, the Head of Department of Economic Development and Tourism, the Head of the Provincial Treasury and senior officials from both Departments on general matters related to the Finance and Economic Opportunities portfolio



  1. Public engagement session in collaboration with the WCPP PEO Section in areas with low COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

      2.  Resolutions/Actions


Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice

Should you be unable to attend kindly forward apologies to the Procedural Officer as well as arrange for an alternate and indicate the name of the alternate at your earliest convenience.



1.        Opening and welcome

2.        Briefing by the  Overberg District Municipality on:

2.1      The support provided to B Municipalities with regards to bulk infrastructure; and


2.2      The Local Economic Development in the Overberg district.

3.        Briefing by the Theewaterskloof Municipality, Overstrand Municipality, Cape Agulhas Municipality and the Swellendam Municipality on:

