
Budget Committee

  1. Welcome and attendance
  2. Briefing by National Treasury on the projected public wages for the next three MTEF periods
  3. Briefing by Provincial Treasury on 2021/22 4th Quarter Performance (Financial and Non-financial)
  4. Briefing by the Department of the Premier on the quarterly performance system
  5. Consideration and adoption of the Draft Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2022
  6. Resolutions and actions

View live here:

Public Accounts Committee meeting


Please note that the meeting of the above standing committee will take place as follows:

Date: Friday, 29 July 2022

Time: 14h00 – 16h00

Venue: MS Teams (Virtual)


1. Welcome and apologies

2. Briefings by the Department of Human Settlements on the following matters:

2.1 the reasons for the 2020/21 financial year audit opinion and findings of the AGSA, including how the Department will prevent a recurrence of a similar nature; and

SC Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

1. Welcome and apologies

2. Consideration and Adoption of the Draft Annual Committee Report for the 2021/22 financial year

3. Consideration and Adoption of the Draft Committee Report of the Committee on the 2020/21 Annual Reports of the Provincial Treasury and the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board for the year ended 31 March 2021

4. Deliberations on the resolutions to be included in the Draft Committee Report on the Oversight Visit to the Cape Town Film Studios

SC on Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning


1.    Opening and welcome

2.    Briefing by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and CapeNature on its First Quarter Performance (April – June 2022) with specific reference to performance targets that were not achieved and/or partially achieved

3.    Briefing by the Department of Agriculture and Casidra on its First Quarter Performance (April – June 2022) with specific reference to performance targets that were not achieved and/or partially achieved

SC on Finance, Economic Opportunities and Tourism

1. Welcome and attendance

2. Briefing by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism and Wesgro’s Air Access unit on Air Access Strategy and recovery of the sector for the WC

3. Briefing by ACSA on operations of the Airport; update on Swartklip and Symphony Way developments; and challenges in respect of the planning for the Aerotropolis development

4. Tour of the Airport

5. Resolutions/Actions



  1. Briefing by the Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness on their TB programmes across the province and on the establishment of the TB AdHoc Committee in the Western Cape.
  1. Resolutions/Actions

View live here:

