Debate on State of the Province Address
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Official Opening of Parliament and State of the Province Address
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Premier's Reply to the Debate on State of the Province Address
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Public Accounts Committee meeting
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Public Accounts Committee meeting
1. Welcome and apologies
2. Briefing by the Department of the Premier on:
2.1. the erroneous overpayments to employees of the WCG during the 2021/22 financial year; including mitigating measures in place to avoid a recurrence;
2.2. the impact of the under expenditures on the operations of the Department;
2.3. The underspending due to delays in the procurement of the TeamMate licence renewal due to problems with SITA's procurement processes.
SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Groenvlei Carp Eradication Project
Engagement with CapeNature, partners and project beneficiaries on a number of issues that include the Project background and operation, challenges experienced, successes achieved, community and youth involvement and community benefits.
SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
1. Opening and welcome
2. Briefing by the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning on the implementation of the Western Cape Biodiversity Act, 2021 (Act 6 of 2021) and the associated Regulations
3. Resolutions/Actions
4. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:
4.1 Minutes of 28 November 2022 at 12:00
4.2 Minutes of 28 November 2022 at 14:00
4.3 Quarterly Report (September – December 2022)
5. General
6. Closing
SC on Community Safety, Cultural Affairs and Sport
- Discussion on the 2021/22 Policing Needs and Priorities
- Action/Resolutions
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Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice
Should you be unable to attend kindly forward apologies to the Procedural Officer as well as arrange for an alternate and indicate the name of the alternate at your earliest convenience.