


1. Election of a Chairperson

2. Resolutions/Actions Above agenda items may be rearranged by the Committee at short notice

Should you be unable to attend kindly forward apologies to the Procedural Officer as well as arrange for an alternate and indicate the name of the alternate date.

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Ad-Hoc Committee on Energy Crisis

The Ad-hoc Committee on Energy Crisis will meet virtually to discuss the way forward for the activities of this ad-hoc committee. The Committee programme of the ad-hoc committee will address matters to conduct effective oversight over the work of the provincial executive as it responds to the impact of the national energy crisis in the Western Cape.

Budget Committee

1. Welcome

2. Briefing by the Permanent Delegate and National Treasury on the Division of Revenue Bill [B 2-2023] (NCOP)

3. Public hearing on the Division of Revenue Bill [B 2-2023] (NCOP)

4. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2023

5. Resolutions/Actions

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Budget Committee

1. Welcome and attendance

2. Consideration and adoption of the Negotiating Mandate Report on the Division of Revenue Amendment Bill [B 2-2023] (NCOP)

3. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee Minutes of the meetings held on 27 March and 19 April 2023

4. Resolutions and actions

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Public Accounts Committee meeting


1. Welcome and apologies

2. Briefings by the Audit Committee of the Department of Infrastructure on:

2.1. the audit outcome of the Department of Infrastructure; including the value of the quarterly Audit Committee meetings in assisting the Department in achieving a clean audit outcome in future; and

2.2. how the Department plans to prevent a future recurrence of the same findings; including at which employee levels and departmental units the challenges were identified which contributed to the audit finding of the Department.

SC Agriculture, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning

1. Opening and welcome

2. Briefing by the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning and experts in the field of water consumption management in agriculture with reference to ways in which to maximise the efficient use of that water, as well as the advances that have been made in this regard

3. Resolutions/Actions

4. Consideration and adoption of Draft Committee:

4.1 Minutes of 28 February and 15 March 2023

4.2 Quarterly Report (January to March 2023)

