Community Safety
On 30 October 2018 the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation (“the Hawks”) recommended in a report that a number of allegations of corruption relating to the Knysna Municipality be investigated by the Anti-Corruption Task Team under enquiry reference number 19/07/2018:
(1) Whether the recommendations of this report were implemented; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) whether the allegations of corruption identified for investigation have been investigated; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the progress and (b) when will the investigation be concluded;
(3) (a) how did the Anti-Corruption Task Team resolve the error in their report where they conflated the allegations of corruption in the Integrated Strategic Development Framework (ISDF) tender with the Knysna Tourism contract and (b) in this regard, have they investigated (i) the backdating of the appointment of the Municipal Manager to the day before the signing of the Knysna Tourism funding contract and (ii) the awarding of the ISDF tender;
(4) the report also recommended that allegations by the complainant of intimidation by the Knysna Fire Chief and allegations of fraudulent qualifications be investigated by the Knysna SAPS and be referred to the Provincial Commissioner, what progress has been made with these investigations?
The Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation/ HAWKS informed me as follows:
1. The recommendations of the report referred to in par 5 above, have been presented to the Anti-Corruption Task Team [ACTT] for the necessary investigation.
2. (a) Allegations were investigated by Lieutenant Colonel Viljoen of the ACTT and according to the investigator to be unfounded and the enquiry closed and filed.
(b) Enquiry Cape Town 19/07/2018 was filed as per Paragraph 5 (2)(a) above.
3. (a) In relation to the error identified by the honourable member, the presented complete documentation from De Swardt, Vogel, Myambo Attorneys, that was mailed to the Provincial Head: Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation on 13 July 2020, will be evaluated and the outcome will be presented to Mr Herron as soon as possible thereafter.
(b)(i) & (b)(ii) Both the questions relating to (3)(b)(i) and (ii) will be addressed in the evaluation report as indicated in the response presented in paragraph 3(a)
4. Within the report dated 30 October 2018, the complainant was requested as per par 5.2 of the said report, to approach the Cluster Commander, Major General Reddy, as well as the Provincial Commander, then Lieutenant General Jula, for the necessary assistance and support as it falls outside of the mandate of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation.