Transport and Public Works
With reference to attacks on truck drivers in the province:
1. Whether hotspots for these attacks have been identified; if so, what are the relevant details;
2. whether the appropriate law-enforcement officers have been deployed to combat these attacks; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
3. what is the impact of these attacks on the economy of the province?
1. Hotspots have been identified. This category of crime is particularly prevalent on the N1 at truck stops in the Central Karoo.
2. A joint task team to counter this category of crime has been established in Beaufort West. The team is co-led by Colonel Braaf of Beaufort West SAPS and Petro Swanepoel, the provincial Traffic Chief for Beaufort West. Beaufort West municipal traffic services also assists. Colonel Braaf has developed a crime intelligence analysis of the situation, which has been translated into an operational plan, co-ordinated by Ms Swanepoel. The plan provides for the SAPS to be bolstered with four Provincial and two Municipal traffic officers to assist their shifts. The actions of the joint operations task team will target high risk areas and will focus on:
- High visibility patrols;
- Preventing any crime;
- Ensuring safety and security;
- Stopping and searching motor vehicles;
- Stopping and searching pedestrians; and
- Effecting arrests when any crime is committed.
3. The impact of this crime on the economy is obviously negative. I am not aware of any study that has been done that quantifies the monetary impact of this crime on the economy.