Finance and Economic Opportunities
(a) What is the number of jobs that have been lost in the Western Cape between 1 April and 20 July 2020, (b) what is the breakdown of the job losses per industry and (c) what are the plans to support the affected industries and to prevent further job losses?
4 a) StatsSA is responsible for employment and unemployment data. The data for the period in question has not yet been published by StatsSA.
b) As such, the sectoral breakdown for the period is not yet available.
c) Given that many of the job losses are driven by the economic impacts of COVID-19, the immediate response to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 has been broad reaching. A summary of some of the responses are:
• We have established a dedicated Covid-19 Content Centre and website to assist business with frequently asked questions and advice. Over 2 000 queries have been received, mainly around TERS.
• We have provided advocacy support and obtained clarity on behalf of businesses with respect to regulations. There have been over 1 167 queries from businesses for regulatory clarity support.
• 6 667 businesses employing 77 600 people have used the fund finder tool
• We have supported businesses to ‘go digital’ by hosting webinars and providing free consulting sessions between tech professionals and SMMEs with over 175 volunteers linked to 137 SMMEs.
• 40 companies were put onto a database for procurement, using the online platform,
• We have promoted awareness of the national fund made available to the informal sector to ensure up-take.
• We have implemented a comprehensive hotspot management strategy targeting key businesses in COVID19 hotspots and providing them with workplace safety support, materials and equipment. Safety Kits to be provided to 11 000 SMME`s and informal businesses.
An economic recovery plan is currently being drafted that will support job creation and promote economic growth.