Finance and Economic Oppor-tunities
With reference to the reply to question 3 and 4 of 30 April 2021:
Concerning the Deputy-Director General: Fiscal and Economic Services (DDG: FES) position:
- Whether there were any internal applicants for the position at the time of application; if so,
- whether any of these internal applicants were employment-equity candidates; if so, why were the internal and/or employment-equity candidates not regarded as competent or suitable;
- whether the head-hunted candidate met all the required experience for the position, including MFMA and infrastructure experience; if not, why was the head-hunted candidate appointed;
Regarding the conflict of interest relating to the DDG: FES and the Chief Director: Local Government Public Finance:
- whether an assessment was made by his Department’s Ethics Committee before the appointments were made; if not, why not; if so, what were the recommendations;
At the time the offer was made to the DDG, given that the CD would report directly to the HOD:
- whether an assessment was made to determine if the post level of the DDG would be diluted due to reduced span of control; if not, will the post of the DDG be re-evaluated given that the CD will no longer report to him;
During the notice of intention to fill these senior manager positions to the Provincial Cabinet:
- whether the potential conflict was made known to the Provincial Cabinet; if not, why not; if so, were any concerns raised or did anyone raise any concerns regarding but not limited to the impact of this on good governance or employment equity;
Regarding his departmental Employment Equity Plan:
- whether his Department has an approved Employment Equity Plan; if so,
- whether, since the beginning of the Sixth Parliament, his Department has complied with its Employment Equity Plan insofar as the appointment of senior managers is concerned since 1 June 2019; if not, what are the relevant details?
- Whether there were any internal applicants for the position at the time of application;
Yes, there were two internal applicants, from within the Provincial Treasury.
if so, whether any of these internal applicants were employment-equity candidates;
The internal candidates were both employment equity candidates.
if so, why were the internal and/or employment-equity candidates not regarded as competent or suitable;
Both candidates were shortlisted. One candidate withdrew before the interview process and the other candidate’s score in the interview process was below the threshold set by the panel for candidates to be considered for appointment.
- whether the head-hunted candidate met all the required experience for the position, including MFMA and infrastructure experience;
All head-hunted candidates met the required experience for the position. The overall scores, based on the four consolidated Key Results Areas used for scoring purposes, were sufficient for all the candidates to advance to the interview stage in the process.
if not, why was the head-hunted candidate appointed;
Not applicable.
Regarding the conflict of interest relating to the DDG: FES and the Chief Director: Local Government Public Finance:
- whether an assessment was made by his Department’s Ethics Committee before the appointments were made;
if not, why not;
The matter was not considered for referral to the departments’ ethics committee at the time as the potential for conflict had been anticipated and appropriate management arrangements considered to ensure that any conflict of interest could be mitigated.
if so, what were the recommendations;
Not applicable.
At the time the offer was made to the DDG, given that the CD would report directly to the HOD:
- whether an assessment was made to determine if the post level of the DDG would be diluted due to reduced span of control;
if not, will the post of the DDG be re-evaluated given that the CD will no longer report to him;
The reporting lines are subject to a management arrangement for administrative and personnel matters in terms of performance management, pay, roles and responsibilities. The management arrangement does not impact on the level of the DDG post, which has been verified by the Chief Directorate: Organisation Development.
During the notice of intention to fill these senior manager positions to the Provincial Cabinet:
- whether the potential conflict was made known to the Provincial Cabinet;
if not, why not;
The potential conflict had been anticipated and an appropriate management approach determined, after considering the applicable regulatory frameworks and good practices in dealing with consensual personal relationships in direct hierarchical reporting relationships, in order to mitigate any conflict.
if so, were any concerns raised or did anyone raise any concerns regarding but not limited to the impact of this on good governance or employment equity;
The matter of employment equity was raised in Cabinet with regard to the appointment of the CD: LGPF. However, Cabinet also noted the Provincial Treasury’s commitment to achieve its employment equity targets.
Regarding his departmental Employment Equity Plan:
- whether his Department has an approved Employment Equity Plan; if so,
Yes, the Provincial Treasury has an Employment Equity Plan for the period 01 April 2019 to 31 March 2024.
- whether, since the beginning of the Sixth Parliament, his Department has complied with its Employment Equity Plan insofar as the appointment of senior managers is concerned since 1 June 2019;
Since the start of the current Employment Equity Plan, 01 April 2019, the Provincial Treasury has made a concerted effort to achieve its employment equity targets in line with the plan. However, to date the targets have not been fully achieved.
if not, what are the relevant details?
The Employment Equity Plan is taken into account throughout recruitment processes and is weighed against other relevant factors in determining appointments.
The Provincial Treasury remains committed to diversity and the achievement of the targets of its Employment Equity Plan.