Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
(1) (a) What is the number of instances in which he and his Department have been taken to court, (b) what are the details of the (i) disputes, (ii) judgments and (iii) costs to the Department associated with cases in (aa) 2014, (bb) 2015, (cc) 2016, (dd) 2017, (ee) 2018, (ff) 2019, (gg) 2020 and (hh) 2021 to date;
(2) whether there are any pending cases before the courts that his Department is involved in; if so, what are the relevant details?
11.(1) Please find attached a spreadsheet (Annexure A) outlining all the requested information. The legal fee costs per applicable financial year may be obtained from the relevant departmental Annual Reports, published online. Please utilise the following link: https://www.westerncape.gov.za/eadp/about-us.
11.(2) Please find attached a spreadsheet (Annexure A) outlining the requested information, with specific reference to Status Column that refers to these matters as “pending”.