(1) (a) What is the number of school-bullying incidents and fights that have been reported at the Monument Park High School since 2019 and (b) what are the details of the interventions that her Department and the district office have been put in place to assist the school to deal with issues of (i) ill-discipline and (ii) financial mismanagement; (2) whether any complaints about financial mismanagement at the school have been submitted to her Department regarding the principal and any other members of the senior management team; if so, what are the relevant details; (3) whether there are any investigations that are currently underway about a certain person at the Monument Park High School, whose name has been furnished to her Department for the purpose of her reply; if so, what are the relevant details; (4) what are the details of the qualifications of a certain person, whose name has been furnished to her Department for the purpose of her reply?
My department has informed me of the following:
(1) (a) The district office did not receive any reports of ill-discipline from the school for the period specified. The school has, however, indicated upon enquiry that they have had 3 bullying incidents and 7 fights since 2019, that were dealt with internally by the School Governing Body (SGB) in terms of their code of conduct.
(b) (i) None (no incidents reported to district office).
(ii) The SGB was trained in financial management in 2019, and fraud awareness training was conducted with SGB members, the principal, and the bursar in 2021.
(2) Yes, a complaint was filed with the district in March 2020 regarding alleged financial mismanagement by the principal.
(3) The WCED has completed an investigation regarding the individual, and a formal disciplinary hearing is now in progress as a result.
(4) The person referred to is a registered nurse. She has work experience in stock control: inventory management, creditor payment preparations, billing, receiving payments, and the capturing of income and expenses.