Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
With respect to the implementation of the Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) Programme in the Western Cape, specifically relating to the experience in the Central Karoo District Municipality:
(1) (a) What has the Municipality’s attendance of the Joint District Coordinating Forum been since the inception of the Programme and (b) what are the details thereof;
(2) whether the Municipality has disclosed any reservations regarding the Programme; if so, what is the nature of any such reservations;
(3) whether the Municipality has not been cooperating with the provincial government on the JDMA; if so, what reasons were given for this;
(4) whether there is any timeline being established for the Municipality to follow, such that it is in line with the provisions of the JDMA; if so, what are the relevant details;
(5) what impact will it have on the residents of the Central Karoo District Municipality if the municipality persists in not working with the JDMA and this provincial government?
(1) (a) The CKDM adopted the Joint District and Metro Approach (JDMA) as a
geographical (district) and team based, citizen focused approach, with a single implementation plan to provide developmental initiatives and government services. The leadership of the District acknowledged that the approach is all-inclusive which includes co-planning, co-budgeting, and co-implementation, within all three (3) spheres of Government. The CKDM leadership further envisaged that the collaboration between the three (3) spheres of Government would translate in improved service delivery to communities in the Central Karoo District.
The Consultation Process Followed to Institutionalise the JDMA:
The Central Karoo District Co-ordinating Forum (DCF) is utilised as the governance instrument to guide and oversee the JDMA process and to give effect to the proposed interface methodology. In giving effect to the adopted approach, an Interface Team was established consisting of both National, Provincial Departments and Municipal Representatives.
To enable the change management processes required to institutionalise this Approach, engagements with all Provincial Departments took place from October to November 2019. Furthermore, consultations with the Executive Mayor of the District Municipality as well as the Municipal Manager took place prior the development of a draft strategic Support Plan for the entire Central Karoo District Municipal Area.
A Central Karoo District Co-Ordinating Forum Technical (DCFTECH) Meeting was then held on 03 December 2019, to consult with the District Municipal Manager and the Local Municipal Managers to approve JDMA Projects identified. The JDMA Project Implementation plan was also presented to all the Executive Mayors in the District for final consideration and adopted at the District Co-Ordinating Forum (DCF) held on 22 January 2020. The Implementation Plan was also endorsed by all 4 respective Municipal Councils. During this period the implementation of the JDMA was effectively institutionalised and gained sufficient traction to enable project implementation. A DCFTECH meeting was held on 07 October 2021, chaired by the then acting Municipal Manager, where progress of the plan was presented.
(1) (b) The JDMA process is a standing item of the DCFTECH Agenda and both officials from the District and Local Municipalities are in attendance. In addition, the District and Local officials have attended all JDMA engagements in the District up to 7 October 2021.
(2) The Central Karoo District Municipality as well as the Local Municipalities in the Region has not expressed any reservations pertaining to the implementation of the JDMA at an Administrative level and has through the District Co-ordinating Forum expressed its support for the Implementation of the Joint District and Metro Approach.
(3) The District Municipality experienced political instability since January 2020, which filtered down to the administrative leadership and subsequently resulted in no DCFTECH and DCF meetings scheduled over this period. This resulted in loss of traction in terms of the implementing of some of the projects on the JDMA Implementation Plan, however, implementation of certain projects were ongoing, but not at the speed as initially envisaged.
A DCFTECH meeting was held on 16 September 2021 where all Municipal Managers of the district reaffirmed their commitment and confirmed the JDMA approach adopted by the Central Karoo Municipalities. This was followed by a DCFTECH meeting held on 07 October 2021, where progress of the JDMA Implementation Plan was presented. The Head of Department of the Department of Local Government attended this meeting, where the JDMA approached adopted by the Central Karoo Municipalities was once again confirmed.
(4) The JDMA Implementation Plan has been developed for the Region indicating specific projects which will be implemented over the short, medium and long term. In addition, the appointment of a Municipal Manager in the Central Karoo District Municipality who will also be the Chairperson of the DCFTECH, will provide the stability needed for the scheduling of regular DCFTECH meetings and will ensure that the implementation of the projects on the JDMA Implementation Plan will now be accelerated.
(5) The purpose of the JDMA is to focus on co-planning, co-budgeting and co-implementation. This will ensure that National, Provincial and Local Governments align budgets and resources to implement projects that will improve service delivery at a Local Government level which would have a direct impact on improving the lives of residents in the Central Karoo Region.