Community Safety
1. (a) How many kidnappings have been recorded in (i) 2015/16, (ii) 2016/17, (iii) 2017/18, (iv) 2018/19 and (v) 2019/20 to date and (b) for each year, how many of the victims were children;
2. whether the Western Cape SAPS has hostage crisis and negotiating teams; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
The South African Police Service informed me as follows:
1. (1) (a) (i) 767
(ii) 616
(iii) 662
(iv) 681
(v) Statistics not yet released
(b) (i) 160
(ii) 117
(iii) 156
(iv) 138
(v) Statistics not yet released
2. Yes, the Western Cape has 15 hostage crises and negotiating teams with 47 trained hostage negotiators spread throughout the province.