Message of condolence on passing of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu

It is with great sadness that our nation, and the world, learnt of the passing of Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu on 26 December 2021.


This great and remarkable man made an indelible mark on our society that will live on for eternity. He was a fierce opponent of racism, injustice, indignity, corruption, and oppression and all forms of intolerances, a true beacon of hope for the poor, the downtrodden and voiceless in society.


On behalf of the Honourable Members of Parliament and employees of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament and on my behalf,  I offer my sincere condolences to his wife Mam Leah, family, Desmond and Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation, and loved ones. 


You are in our deep thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.


The Western Cape Provincial Parliament is lit in PURPLE in memory of the Arch’s  life. 


A book of condolence is available at the entrance of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament at 7 Wale Street.

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