Question by:
Hon Brett Herron
Answered by:
Hon Alan Winde
Question Number:
Question Body:
- Whether he or the Western Cape provincial government embarked on a restructuring or reorganisation process; if so;
- whether this will result in the centralisation of infrastructure and economic development departments in the Premier’s office; if so, why is this regarded as necessary;
- whether this plan proposes that the Premier’s office will have two Ministers; if so, why is this necessary;
- what was the role of a certain company, whose name has been furnished to his Department for the purpose of his reply, in this process, planning or reorganisation;
- what qualified this company to advise on or prepare a plan for government restructuring;
- whether this company was appointed by way of a competitive process or tender; if not, (a) why not and (b) how was the company appointed;
- (a) whether the Economic Development Partnership (EDP) was part of the process; if so, what was the role of the EDP and (b) what qualified the EDP to conduct this work;
- whether a payment transfer was made to the EDP in relation to this plan; if so, what are the relevant details;
- whether a copy of the business case or plan for this reorganisation or restructuring and be made available?
Answer Body:
- The Western Cape Government (WCG) has embarked on a refresh initiative. The context for the refresh initiative has become necessary given the extraordinary demands that were placed on the WCG budget by Covid-19 and diminishing budget growth at national level, owing to a national public debt crisis and an unsustainable public sector wage bill. The WCG is constantly exploring innovative ways to make more of the fiscus available for the delivery of services and to reduce duplication and wastage. The refresh initiative is exploring ways of making the WCG more efficient and effective. These discussions are ongoing, and no decisions have been made in this regard.
- The refresh initiative, as mentioned above, is ongoing and no final decisions have been made.
- The refresh initiative, as mentioned above, is ongoing and no final decisions have been made.
- The company was appointed to support the WCG to define a coherent set of decisions to refresh our approach to delivery, with three key objectives: (i) supporting the Safety, Wellbeing and Jobs priorities of the Recovery Plan, (ii) institutionalising the New Way of Working in the WCG and (iii) achieving ‘more with less’.
- The company provides a team that includes highly experienced organizational design, development and human resource specialists as well as knowledge pecialists and analysts who have worked across the social, public and private sectors. They have experience in many related projects with public and private sector clients in and outside of the Western Cape.
- (a) and (b) The company was appointed by way of a limited bid (DOTP LTD 0003-2021/22). The supply chain management policy prescripts permit a limited bid process as a form of procurement.
- (a) and (b) The EDP is not a part of the Reconfiguration Project. The EDP is a key role player in the Integrated Service Delivery Focus Area of VIP 5* and specifically in the partnering, partnerships and collaboration area of work. This area of work is an important facet of the New Way of Working initiative. To ensure no duplication or unnecessary overlap, the company had to consult with the EDP in carrying out their work.
- No transfer payment was made to the EDP for the purposes of the refresh initiative.
- A Business Case is available.
Friday, January 28, 2022