Transport and Public Works

Question by: 
Hon Brett Herron
Answered by: 
Hon Daylin Mitchell
Question Number: 
Question Body: 
  1. Whether the Premier occupies the Premier’s residence at Leeuwenhof; if so, (a) what is the market value of this residence, (b) what rental does the Premier pay, (c) what services are provided to the Premier at the residence, (d)(i) what are the monthly or annual operating costs of the residence and (ii) what are the details of the cost, (e) what are the monthly costs for (i) maintenance, (ii) security, (iii) gardening, (iv) housekeeping, (v) entertainment and (vi) groceries;
  1. whether there are any other services or maintenance undertaken or provided at this residence not listed in (1); if so, what are the relevant details?
Answer Body: 
  1. Yes, the Premier occupies the official residence of the Premier, i.e. Leeuwenhof.
  2. Leeuwenhof Estate has a value, as per the latest municipal valuation, of R177 400 000.
  3. No rental is received by the Custodian Department  In respect of the portions of Leeuwenhof Estate which are currently occupied by the Premier and his family.
  4. Municipal services such as electricity, water, sewerage and waste/refuse removal are provided to the Leeuwenhof Estate.  The Department also provides for estate maintenance including the gardens.

[d][i]    The annual operating costs in terms of municipal services and property rates in respect of the Leeuwenhof Estate amounted to R1 410 528 [rounded up] in the 2020/21 financial year and in the current 2021/22 financial year to date R1 224 947 [rounded up].

[d][ii]    The details in respect of these costs in the current 2021/22 financial year to date are as follows:

            Electricity                                 -           R56 008.08

            Water                                      -           R14 668.66

            Sewerage                                -           R4 923.62

            Waste/Refuse removal            -           R1 196.88

            Property rates                          -           R1 148 715.00

[e][i]     The monthly costs for maintenance of the Leeuwenhof Estate amounts to R13 652.00 on average.

[e][ii]    Security at the Leeuwenhof Estate is provided by the South African Police Service and no payment is made by the Department in this respect.

[e][iii]   Given the size and extent of the Leeuwenhof Estate and its extensive use for diplomatic and/or other government functions from time to time, the Department does not outsource the garden services necessary to maintain the said Estate, and the personnel form part of the staff establishment of the Department..  However, full-time staff are appointed on the staff establishment of the Department.

[e][iv], [v] and [vi] The Department does not pay for entertainment or grocery costs incurred by the Premier in his occupation of Leeuwenhof Estate.

  1. According to Custodial obligations arising from a SAPS security detail report for the Estate, in terms of which infrastructure security upgrades were deemed necessary by SAPS, a perimeter security upgrade for the entire Estate was approved by the Custodian and implemented at a once-off cost of R6 535 911.32, for which approval was granted prior to the current Premier’s occupancy at Leeuwenhof.



Friday, October 1, 2021