Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning
Whether his Departments has a (a) GBV policy and (b) sexual harassment policy; if not, why not; if so, (i) what are the relevant details, (ii) how are they implemented and (iii) can copies of these policies be made available?
(a) No, the department does not have a GBV policy.
- The Western Cape Government (WCG) sexual harassment policy, of 2011, is currently under revision and the scope extended to also address GBV
- The policy will be transversally applicable to all departments in the WCG.
- The WCG sexual harassment policy will upon implementation, be distributed to all WCG departments and published on the WCG intranet.
(b) Yes, the Western Cape Government has a sexual harassment policy.
- The WCG sexual harassment policy was adopted and signed off for implementation on 20 May 2011.
- The policy is transversally applicable to all departments in the WCG.
- The policy is available at the following link: https://mygov.westerncape.gov.za/files/atoms/files/Sexual%20harassment%20policy.pdf,