Social Development
Whether the Department has a (a) GBV policy and (b) sexual harassment policy; if not, why not; if so, (i) what are the relevant details, (ii) how are they implemented and (iii) can copies of these policies be made available?
(a) he Department’s GBV policies and plans are administered by its Victim Empowerment Program Office, which in turn support the Western Cape GBV NSP Implementation Plan. The Department has also been appointed to lead and co-ordinate the implementation of this plan.
(b) Yes, the WCG has a Sexual Harassment Policy.
(i) The WCG Sexual Harassment Policy was adopted and signed off for implementation on 20 May 2011. The policy is currently under revision.
(i) The Policy is transversally applicable to all department in the WCG.
The policy is available at the following link