Local Government, Environ-mental Affairs and Development Planning
(1) What progress has been made by the Special Investigation Unit (SIU) with corruption cases at the (a) Cederberg and (b) Matzikama municipalities;
(2) whether his Department has received updated status reports or finalised reports from the SIU with regard to these municipalities; if so, what are the contents of these reports?
[1] In both instances, these investigations were undertaken by the SIU and I have been advised by the latter that they have been concluded. The investigation report[s] have been issued with findings and recommendations to the respective mayors for further action.
[2] My Department has received a verbal status update from the SIU but as of 1 April 2022 were not in possession of a copy of the SIU report[s]. A copy of the report[s] has since been requested and upon receipt my Department will liaise with the Municipality and monitor the implementation of any recommendations. Given the above, I am not in a position to discuss the content of the reports until my Department has had the opportunity to assess the content and findings.